Hey any FLUENT Gaelic speakers here? I need help.
Forums › General Discussion › Hey any FLUENT Gaelic speakers here? I need help.-
I'm getting my family crest (my last name is Daley) as my first tattoo in June @ the "Ink n Iron Tattoo Festival". I researched the design and I'm throwing my own artistic twist to it. My name is a surname from O'Dalaigh. The Internet says my kin/clan's motto changed from "Deo et Regi Fidelis" (faithful to God??), to " Laudir Agus Mir" (Swift and strong, I think?). Now I think those are in Latin but I'm not too sure.
Could you guys let me know?
If it's not in Gaelic, can you Translate Swift and String into Gaelic for me?
Thanks for your time! -
Irish or Scottish which dialect?
Yep i got u broham
I think they originate from Galway, Ireland
Can anyone help me out!?
"Mear agus láidir" or "Láidir agus mear". Whichever you prefer.
Unfortunately the internet's really shit at translating into Irish/Gaelic. "Mir" is a bit or a portion
Oh wait this one would sound better: "Luath agus láidir". Yeah go for this one
Oh all the translations I gave you mean "swift and strong". I'm not sure how the Latin connects up to all this
THANKS! I'm gonna go with the "Láidir agus mear" one...
And can you tell me how to pronounce it?
Scroobius Pip wrote:
I just thought they sounded Latin... Laudir looks phonetically like a Latin word.Oh all the translations I gave you mean "swift and strong". I'm not sure how the Latin connects up to all this
I think Gaelic took root from Latin maybe. -
I would just try and verify that before you get it, just in case it actually means something else. Kinda sounds like "he who wars over turf".
Aggressive wrote:
haha I will. I think it's funny when people get some Chinese writings and they actually means something other than they wanted.I would just try and verify that before you get it, just in case it actually means something else. Kinda sounds like "he who wars over turf".
Ok it sounds roughly like, "Law-jer ogg-is marr." The j sound is soft, sorta mixes in with a d sound. The accent is on the first syllable of each word. Remember to have the least emphasis on "agus" because it means "and". The language sounds guttural as opposed to nasal, so try not to have a twang in your voice. Try to think of how someone with an Irish accent would say it if that helps
BadFiSH wrote:
It only looked like Latin because of the poor spelling on the web translator. Irish doesn't really share many roots with Latin, unlike English, Spanish, Italian, and French. It has a lot in common with the Celtic dialects found in Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, and Brittany, northern France.Scroobius Pip wrote:
I just thought they sounded Latin... Laudir looks phonetically like a Latin word.Oh all the translations I gave you mean "swift and strong". I'm not sure how the Latin connects up to all this
I think Gaelic took root from Latin maybe. -
Scroobius Pip wrote:
thanks you help out alot👍😺BadFiSH wrote:
It only looked like Latin because of the poor spelling on the web translator. Irish doesn't really share many roots with Latin, unlike English, Spanish, Italian, and French. It has a lot in common with the Celtic dialects found in Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, and Brittany, northern France.Scroobius Pip wrote:
I just thought they sounded Latin... Laudir looks phonetically like a Latin word.Oh all the translations I gave you mean "swift and strong". I'm not sure how the Latin connects up to all this
I think Gaelic took root from Latin maybe. -
I'm almost done with it❕
ooooooh my god scroobius I love you. I tried studying irish on my own a while back but it's so not easy with a book. I can count to ten like a pro but that's about it.
Hey can u tell me if (haud ullis labentia ventis) is Latin or gaelic?
No definitely not Gaelic. Latin, I presume
It's manderin
Lol you deleted your post Badfish. It's Latin
Fuck irish
d double e wrote:
Lol sectarian bigot much?Fuck irish
d double e wrote:
fuck you at least they stay true to their people ass fuck.Fuck irish
Lol he's probably a Bible-bashing homophobe as well. He posted that comment on a Sunday though.😱 How shameful!😜 I wonder if he's realised yet...
Nah, he's a closet homo
How do they stay true to their people??? Irish is a stupid language!!!! I'm not a bigot just hate the ira
And sinn fein
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