Hey any FLUENT Gaelic speakers here? I need help.
Forums › General Discussion › Hey any FLUENT Gaelic speakers here? I need help.-
Dude this really funny guy I know is Irish. I don't see why ppl gotta hate over almost anything.
Europe FTW.
USA is OK.
Canada is america's hat.
There are colorful mice in Brazil.The second part of the second part was playful banter.
BadFiSH wrote:
true that bro true thatd double e wrote:
fuck you at least they stay true to their people ass fuck.Fuck irish
d double e wrote:
Not all of us are IRA sympathisers you fuckwit. And if you look at election results, scarcely anyone in the South votes Sinn FéinHow do they stay true to their people??? Irish is a stupid language!!!! I'm not a bigot just hate the ira
Maybe true but majority off Irish in n Ireland are bigots, yous even bring politics in sport!!!! Be taking our players because they wana play for the irish republic simply because they wana to be Irish n don't reconise my country
d double e wrote:
Maybe it's because Northern Ireland are shit at footballMaybe true but majority off Irish in n Ireland are bigots, yous even bring politics in sport!!!! Be taking our players because they wana play for the irish republic simply because they wana to be Irish n don't reconise my country
Are you suprise when u take are player?at least our players are from are country.your team is like the British legion,if u see a player drinking guniess you ask him to play for you team!!!! It's got nothing to do with football it's secterien!!!! Btw checks your facts only recently have you'd over took us in the rankings!!!! Fact
There was only a relatively short lull when you were ahead of us. And we're not taking your players, they're playing for Ireland by their own choice
Because their bigots
Do u like having a team full off Brits
Britain is an island which Northern Ireland is not a part of
Still hold British passports!!! And what about the players born in England n Scotland that play for yous you fool. It's a British team
They're UK passports. And birthplace doesn't define what country one identifies oneself with
What are you trying to say? They're two different islands. The full name of the UK is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
You're not doing Unionists any favours with this
What part are you confused about we are part off the uk!!
Yeh you're not part of Britain
Great Britain n northern Ireland, were British!!!! For queen and country no surrender to ira scum!!!!!
Your ancestors who kicked the native off the land 400 years ago may have been British, but you're not
You do realise, don't you, that the monarchy is only kept as a tourist attraction?
What age are you? You can't even spell sectarian with a spell checker. You're the one who's ignorant and prejudiced. Why would I be sectarian anyway? I'm atheist and dislike most religions pretty much equally
Cuz u can't accept I'm British!!!!
No surrender
Can I call myself Spanish then?
Also, look up the definitions of "sectarian" and "bigot" and ask yourself if they actually apply to me -
What will you do if Scotland manages to secede from England? It is, after all, where many of the planters came from
Wats ur passport saying?
Does your passport say you're British?
It's says I'm a British citizen
d double e wrote:
Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK where people still revere the monarchy. Do you appreciate how stupid this is?For queen n country!!!!!!! God save our queen
Is that a fact?
Where else do people feel the need to proclaim "God save the Queen" so regularly? If the monarchy wasn't such a valuable tourist attraction it would be gone quite quickly indeed
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