Dunn's Help & Strategy Guide
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⚠️ • ⚠️ WELCOME TO TURF WARS! ⚠️ • ⚠️
Rev: 01/2018
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's guide - Introduction
I'd like to take this opportunity to provide you with some important information that will get you off to a good start. The "Get Help" tab and the "Help & Strategy" forum are both a wealth of valuable information and you should check them out when you get a chance, but I'll give you the basics here.
I have tried to be as concise and to-the-point as possible but Turf Wars is a very unique game with its own complex economy, sophisticated rules, and intricate structure. I apologize if this guide seems lengthy but I promise you'll be better off having read it.
I've included a "quick reference" below so that you can return to my wall and easily find information when you encounter certain aspects of the game for the first time.
⦁ Tip: You can search the Turf Wars forums with Google by typing site:turfwarsapp.com after your search term.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide - Quick Reference
—①: MOB
1.1 - Building your mob
1.2 - Temp codes
1.3 - Temp codes notes
1.4 - Why is mob important?
1.5 - If you reset
1.6 - Your mob VS "The Vets"—②: TURF & MONEY
2.1 - Income
2.2 - Global Police Protection
2.3 - Turf Limit
2.4 - Being Over Your Limit
2.5 - Turf Placement
2.6 - Earning "Protection Money"
2.7 - Defensive Upgrades—③: XP, SKILLS, & RESPECT POINTS
3.1 - Experience (XP)
3.2 - Promotions
3.3 - Capture Skill
3.3 - Skill Point Recommendation
3.4 - Respect Points—④: COMBAT
4.1 - Fighting/Attacking
4.2 - Level VS mob size
4.3 - Don Protection—⑤: MISCELLANEOUS
5.1 - Fighting/Weapons
5.2 - Capturing Turf
5.3 - Inactive Players
5.4 - Protection Money/The Bank
5.5 - Loot Upgrades/Loss of Turf
5.6 - Turf Hopping
5.7 - Advertising Your Code
5.8 - Daily Free Respect Points—⑥: PRO-TIPS
6.1 - 1 Influence Turfs
6.2 - Double Loot
6.3 - Airports
6.4 - Flowers -
└────‣ MOB
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 1.1
Let's start with mob size. If you want to get anywhere in this game, you need mob members. www.mob.codes is the best site for Turf Wars codes. Create an account so that you can mark off the codes you enter to avoid repeats. If you're pressed for time, temp codes should take priority over regular codes as they expire after one week. Punching codes for 15-20 minutes a day is all it takes to make a huge difference.
*Tips on advertising your invite code in the "Miscellaneous Section" below.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 1.2
What are temp codes?
Every new player is issued a temporary code (in the format -123-456) A random selection of temp codes are released to the websites. It's a way for new players to start getting mob right away and hopefully encourage them to stick around. Temp codes are only valid for one week. Sometimes they aren't released to the websites until days, hours, or even minutes before they're about to expire. A lot of new players will play long enough to accept invites from temp codes, but they never advertise their regular code. That's why I feel that they're the most important.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 1.3
⦁ Please note that when temp codes expire, only that method of inviting a mobster has expired. The invite is still valid. The additional mobster (if and when they accept the invite) is as permanent as a regular invite code.
⦁ More info about temp codes can be found in the Help & Strategy forum under Mystery's thread titled "Temp & All Codes Explained."
⦁ Tip: Follow @turfwarswiki on Twitter to be instantly notified when new temp codes are available!
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 1.4
Why is mob so important?
Your mob is your source of power in Turf Wars. It's what defends you when you're attacked and what you use to attack others with. You want as many people in your mob as possible to make you stronger. Then you buy weapons for each mob member in the market to increase your attack and defense.
*More about arming your mob in section 5.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 1.5
If you ever reset your mobster (generally NOT recommended) you should change your invite code as soon as you can. Everyone who has previously marked your code as "added" have no way to know that they need to add your code again. At least include in your "Invite Code" forum post that you have reset.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 1.6
I know it can be overwhelming and discouraging to look at the top mob leader-board, but please keep two things in mind.
1.) These players have been here for 8-10 years and have punched a LOT of codes.
2.) You don't need a huge mob to be successful. Smaller mobbed players are invaluable in vendettas against large mobbed players as "snipers" due to their range benefits.
⦁ For more on vendettas, see 👿Belial's "Vendetta's 101" post in the Help & Strategy forum.
└────‣ TURF & MONEY
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.1
A good income is crucial for building turfs, purchasing weapons and paying their hourly upkeep. There are 3 basic ways of earning money in Turf Wars. You get money when you attack other players (and win) and you get money from doing missions, but the primary income factor is your turfs. Your turfs provide you with an hourly income so it's important to maximize the amount of money each turf makes.
⦁ Tip: If you're under level 15 and need some cash, try asking a high level player to attack you a few times. You'll win the attacks (and a lot of money) because of Don protection.
⦁ See Section 6.4 for a "Pro-tip" on earning money.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.2
You need to get police protection (so that you don't have to pay bribes). The best way to do this is to get global protection using a consigliere (loot item) or by paying 5 respect points at The Don. Otherwise, go to the missions tab and select "Get Protection." Note that you will still be "busted" occasionally with this option while doing missions. (You'll be fined but you won't lose your energy when this happens.)
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.3
⦁ *Turf limit - Your turf limit is how many turf you can create. Your profile shows you how many turf you currently own versus how many turf you can build. (Ex. - 10/10) You receive a turf limit increase with every ≈3rd promotion, and you can use respect points to increase your limit at The Don. There are no other ways to increase the number of turf that you can control. If you're going to spend money on Turf Wars, this is probably what you'll want to invest in. (See Chucky Pancamo's comment in section 3.5)
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.4
It's possible to go over your turf limit by capturing turf (Ex. 11/10) but if you do, you won't be able to build your own turf until you get back under limit. You'll have to tear down turf, or increase your limit at The Don (or through promotions). It's ok to go over your limit occasionally for a boost to your income or during a war, but for most players this situation is generally not recommended or desired.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.5
Turfs in crowded areas make more money than isolated turfs, but they also cost more to build. You need turfs near other players. The more, the better. Try to find a large "turfpile" and build your turfs near it. If you can't afford to, then plant a couple of turfs wherever you can and run missions while you save your money. You shouldn't move into the turfpile until you have reached level 30. Otherwise you wont be able to upgrade your turf to 86 influence and you may end up paying protection money to the turfs around you which will cause you to lose money
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.6
On a related note, making other players pay you protection money, also known as taxing, is a great way to supplement your income. You may have to wait until level 30 when you can build 86 influence turfs. Just build a turf on top of another players turf (or turfs) and make your turfs influence higher than theirs. Use loot if necessary. Your turf will now earn "protection money" from the turf(s) you are taxing. Inactive players are great for taxing. They won't complain, attack you/try to capture you, or move their turf.
⦁ See section 5.3 for more on inactive players.
⦁ See section 6.4 for a pro-tip on taxing.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 2.7
Defensive upgrades (located at the bottom of the turf upgrades screen) are not worth buying. The upkeep is very high and they really don't help at all. The only exception is when equipping a "Lookout", a loot-able defensive turf upgrade which slightly enhances the effects of the other defensive upgrades.
⦁ For more information on Lookouts and all other loot see Mystery's "LOOT Explained" thread in the Help & Strategy forum.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 3.1Experience is how you "level up" in Turf Wars. Each level requires a certain amount of XP. You can look on your profile to find out how much XP is needed for your next level but if you're curious, there is a post by nick in the Help & Strategy forum called "Level Definitions: by popular request!" that tells how much XP is needed for each level. You gain XP by running missions and fighting (including attacking/capturing turf). Each mission tells you how much experience you will gain but fights are a bit more complicated. If you fight someone much weaker than you, you'll only get 1 or 2 XP. If you fight an equal (and win) you can get up to 6 XP.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 3.2
Every time you get promoted, you will receive 3 Character Skill points and between 1-3 respect points. You may use your character skill points on Health, Energy, Stamina or the new Capture skill (not recommended for new players) but DO NOT use Skill Points on attack or defense. Everyone agrees that these categories are completely worthless and are a waste of skill points.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 3.3
What is the capture skill?
Basically, the more points you put into capture, the closer someone has to be to your turf to capture it.
It can be a beneficial "skill" but only if you put a lot of points into it. If you have the money to buy skill points, that's great. But if not it'll take you a very long time and you won't have any skill points for anything else.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 3.4
My Skill Point recommendation (which you may adjust to fit your style of play) is to put all points towards Health until you reach the maximum of 300 (this will take 20 skill points) and then use 1 point on energy and 2 points on stamina every time you level up.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 3.5
As for the respect points, I strongly advise you to save these and use them to increase your turf limit. You'll find that the larger your mob grows, the more it costs to arm them and you need as many turfs as you can get.
Chucky Pancamo says:
No matter how you play the game, turf limit is useful. Want to hop or collect capos? Get turf limit. Want to grow a big mob and fight wars? You need turf limit. It's the one thing that no one will ever say they regret purchasing.
*More about respect points in section 5.
└────‣ COMBAT
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 4.1
As you get your mob established, you're expected to fight other players for money and experience to get promoted. You should also expect to be attacked by other players for the same reasons. It may feel personal at first, but it usually isn't.
NEVER attack turfs unless you are able to, and fully intend to capture it. Turf attacks are personal and can start wars. Attacking a players turf will affect their income and that is what needs to be defended.
You fight other players using stamina. You can fight other players as long as you have stamina and your health is above 30, otherwise you have to visit the "Emergency Room" to heal and/or wait for your stamina to regen.
Your strength is determined by
a) the size of your mob, and
b) how well your mob is equipped.
There are several threads on how to properly equip your mob, but in general you want one weapon, one melee, and one armour PER mob member.
⦁ Note: The game automatically equips your best defensive weapons when you (or your turfs) are attacked and your best offensive weapons when you attack others.
*More about arming your mob in section 5.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 4.2
Don't focus on increasing your level. As a lower level, you'll have "Don protection" from higher level players. This protection starts to fade after level 15 so your focus should be punching codes and "mobbing up." You may be tempted to run missions to get loot and more turf but you need to resist this urge. Build your mob up first. Try setting yourself a goal of reaching X amount of mob per level. At least 100, but 1000 would be great! Level means very little in this game. It's all about mob size and diplomacy.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 4.3
What is "Don Protection"?
From levels 1 to 15 a player can't be defeated when attacked by higher level players because the Don helps out the new guys. From level 16 to level 49, the Don's help from profile attacks is inconsistent and somewhat random but they can be capped. For someone to capture his/her turf the low level player's influence must be within a certain percentage of the attackers. 10% at level 16 to 25 fading to 1% at level 49.
From the help screen:
*Owner Influence: For mobsters under level 25, this is 10% - e.g. if your influence is 500, you can't capture the turf of mobsters with < 50 influence. This ratio is gradually reduced to 0 for mobsters under level 50 - higher-level mobsters don't get this protection.
▔▔▔▔▏Beginner's Guide Section 4.4
How to capture turf -
ChainsawCharlie says:
When you go to capture (cap, capping, capped) a turf, you will see a checklist on the turf page listing the requirements for capture.
A green check indicates you meet the requirement, A red X indicates you do not.
If you meet all the requirements, your button will say "Capture This Turf"
If you do not meet all requirements, the button will read "Attack This Turf"Under that it will tell you which turf you are attacking from in the form of a link to that turf.
⦁ See Section 5.2 for more on capturing turf.
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