Temp & All Codes Explained
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There are 3 kinds of codes:
1) Regular codes: these are the codes given to players when they install TW. They can be found under the invite mobsters tab. The codes are always 8 characters & in the format aaaa5555, bbbbb555, or ccc55555.
2) Custom codes: These codes can be purchased from The Don for 25 respect points. The shortest allowed is 2 characters & the max length is?
When choosing a custom code it's best not to mix letters and numbers. You want something easy & memorable. IMO the ideal code is a real word 3-8 letters long.
3) Temporary (Temp) Codes are codes issued to new players, that expire after a week. However, neither the invite nor the mob member disappear when the code expires. Although these codes are valid for a week, they are not always released a week ahead of time. Thus the date & time of their expiration are released with them. They are in the format of -123-456. Like the first 2 kinds, they can be found on code websites such as turfwarsdb.com & turfwars.info.
The purpose for temp codes is to help new players get mob members right away, encouraging them to stick with the game.
OK, apparently I ride the short bus on this one. I *still* don't understand the point of temp codes. If a regular code is assigned at the point of TW installation, then the n00b already has a code. What does a temp code gain them? Does Nick provide temp codes to the code sites (for the power code-punchers to add them ASAP), whereas it's up to the players to enter their own regular codes (if they choose) into code sites???
Yeah doc, on code sites temp codes are displayed. A temp code lasts a week I believe, and it simply gives everyone a chance to add a new players code before they quit
The player never sees their own temp code; they typically don't even know it exists. Many players, when they first start, fail to realize the importance of mob or of posting their code in the invite forum. Temp codes are a way to give them "a leg up" so that start out early with some mob members.
Nick does provide temp codes to the code sites that have requested a feed. Players can enter their own regular codes into a code site. Usually though, if they just post it in the invite forum, the dedicated code punchers will see the new code & enter it into the main code sites for them, often long before they realize code sites even exist.
Additionally, people (especially those on the top mob list) are always on the lookout for new people/codes. If they spot someone they will ask for their code & enter it into the sites, even if it has not been posted in the invite forum.
OK -- That's the part I've been missing: temp codes are released by Nick to the code sites to give us all a shot at inviting the freshly minted n00bs.
Thanks very much!
When entering temp codes, you must enter the dashes also. If the code is -123-123, then you enter -123-123.
So if I enter a temp code, does the new player have to accept it still? Or are they automatically added to my mob?
They still have to accept.
The only differences in the way temp codes and regular codes work is that temp codes are promoted to the codes sites by TW and not the player, and temp codes expire one week after they are issued to the player.
All other rules apply.
An FYI, not all new players are issued temp codes. If you have questions about how this works, pm Jmanx, he has a nice, clear, succinct explanation.
What is a good way for me 2 get started
HannibalHatchet wrote:
Post your code in the invite forum. Bookmark it in safari & bump it often. Then pick a website (I like turfwarsdb.com) and start punching codes. For regular codes you might want to start with the newest & work backwards. For temp codes, start with the ones that are about to expire & work backwards.What is a good way for me 2 get started
Why you should punch temps & regular codes:
ChainsawCharlie wrote:
You will get more duplicate codes if you punch temp and regular, BUT...
Not every player gets their temp code released. Only a random number of new players are randomly selected to have their codes pushed.
And of those players, maybe not everyone will stick with the game, and there regular code may never be published, so skip temp codes, and you miss mobsters. And when their temp code expires, if they didn't publicize/advertise their regular code, that's a potential mobster gone forever.
As for the new players that don't get their temp codes pushed...if you skip punching regular codes, you will not gain them in your mob.
So, punching temps and regs = some double punching, but choosing one over the other = lost mob.
Once you get a custom code, your regular code will not work anymore.
So on turfwars db what happens when you click punch all does tht mean you send them all invites?
PimpDaddy Cole wrote:
There is no "punch all" button. There is a "flag all" button. That means that you are marking all the codes on your current page as good (or bad). You can choose this after you have punched the codes. Sorry, there is no automated code punching for this game. You have to punch each code yourself.So on turfwars db what happens when you click punch all does tht mean you send them all invites?
YOU wrote:
Must importantly, you should punch codes, no matter what kind they are!
I have a separate thread listing the different code sites.
YOU wrote:
3) Temporary (Temp) Codes are codes issued to new players, that expire after a week. However, neither the invite nor the mob member disappear when the code expires.
Also see my other post, "How to find your invite code & enter others' codes."
If someone resets, then you will have to add them to your mob again. If they just use don points to change their name, their code stays the same & they stay in your mob.
there are no double codes. If you enter the same code twice, you will not add two different people.
Why are all temp codes not entered into code sites? And why is there a differing time scale as to how long your code will be up there before it expires?
It seems very unfair to me if this is to help noobs.
The Rhino wrote:
Turfwarsdb.com & turfwars.info have temp codes on their sites. They remove them once they expire though; there's no point in keeping them after that. PM JmanX for the explanation about the differing time scale. As for the 3rd...life is unfair?Why are all temp codes not entered into code sites? And why is there a differing time scale as to how long your code will be up there before it expires?
It seems very unfair to me if this is to help noobs.
When punching temp codes, you can run across players that are already in your mob. This can happen if you already punched their regular code (because they posted it) or if they already invited you (and you accepted).
If you see a name that you recognize when punching temp (or regular codes), it could be that the player reset or it could be a copycat.
This info is also in the wiki.
"However, neither the invite nor the mob member disappear when the code expires"
So the invite itself is valid for a week but if an invite is accepted the mob is still fighting for you forever?
stoll wrote:
Once you've invited someone, the invite is good until they accept or decline it. Once someone is in your mob, they stay there unless you remove them, they choose to leave, or they reset. A temp code is only valid for a week."However, neither the invite nor the mob member disappear when the code expires"
So the invite itself is valid for a week but if an invite is accepted the mob is still fighting for you forever?
Mystery wrote:
stoll wrote:
A temp code is only valid for a week."However, neither the invite nor the mob member disappear when the code expires"
So the invite itself is valid for a week but if an invite is accepted the mob is still fighting for you forever?
Yeah, but is it the actual code that is valid for a week or is it the mobmember you get from an invite? What I mean is, from what I figured the code is valid but if ppl accept you get a mob permanent. Is that really true? Since it is good for new players to the game, i dont know why this would help so I take it Im wrong and the mob you get from the temp code is only there for a week?
Thanks for ur time mystery!
Once the player accepts your invite, they are there unless they leave your mob, you remove them from your mob, or they reset. There is no such thing as a mob member that only lasts for a week.
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