Don't Like New "4 attack" System? Post alternate idea here.
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › Don't Like New "4 attack" System? Post alternate idea here.-
The "farming" is a problem, and if you don't think the new "4 attack" system is the best solution then suggest another idea to the game developers.
How about being able to transfer items (e.g., game cash or respect points) from one player to another?
This would allow weaker players to buy "real" protection from stronger players via payment of transferable items.
I'm sure others have better ideas or other good alternate ideas, if so, post below.
Either add a hitlist or change it to something like 20 attacks because I don't even have enough people to fight in each 36 hours if I was to only attack them 4 times each every 36 hours
Make is so I get 50 exp per attack? The point is most of us don't have a lot of selection on who to attack. Even though we should. I for one am left with 45 stam (in a day like 300) that I can't use. So who is gonna give me my xp and cash? So we should attack people just to keep them down so they don't catch up to us or what? When I started this game I was attacked plenty I never once cried to the mobs about being attacked only because I COULDNT attack sometimes. This game is different from the other online games that's why I play it. However they are becoming closer and closer
Id be happy with 20 attacks per day. Would be a lot better than the 100+ per day that I'm used to. *cough* Clef..
Id be happy with 20 attacks per day. Would be a lot better than the 100+ per day that I'm used to. *cough* Clef..
Patsy - I think you were saying this but I'd like to see a formal "protection system" where lower/mid levels could purchase some structured protection from higher levels. This gives the higher level a new income stream, and lower levels a fighting chance IF they want and/or need it. This seems fairly realistic as one of the real Mob's major income generators is protection money. This may also foster some collaboration, and maybe lead to gangs or excuse the term, guilds --all based on paying up the chain of your org.
I don't mind the fact that you don get cash after the four attacks, but you should get experience regardless. Freak160
4/36 is really low. Especially for those of us in areas with very few players.
How will this affect turf captures? It seems like it would be next to possible now.
How about allowing attacks until you send someone to the ER and then impose the 36 hour limit on attacking that person?
At least reduce the current limit to 24 hours.
What if it was level based?
Say someone is 11 or more levels below you-limit to four attacks.
If they are six to ten levels below-limit to four attacks.
If they are 1-5 levels above or below-make it an hourly limit...say maybe 5-10?
Six or more levels higher- no limit.
My last post "six to ten levels below" should say 6-8 attacks.
And the las paragraph-5-10 should say 5-10 per hour.
I think the best way to keep me from over attacking smaller mobsters would be to reward me for attacking those closer to mob size or level. Taking chainsaw's point a bit further, why not give me 10 XP for fighting someone within 100 of my mob or within 10 levels of me?? AND, if I lose give me more than just 1 XP for my efforts. What do y'all think about that??
You can keep the attack limit in place for those mobsters who are say less than half my mob size and start raising XP for attacks on those closer to my mob size or level.
Varying rewards (xp & $) with level of opponent makes the most sense.
Caup3512 -
Varying rewards (xp & $) with level of opponent makes the most sense.
Caup3512 -
There isn't enough people to attack. Either remove the distance limits or make it so you can fight anyone that plays the game anywhere. Can't level up with missions alone. Game balance is off is all I can say.
There isn't enough people to attack. Either remove the distance limits or make it so you can fight anyone that plays the game anywhere. Can't level up with missions alone. Game balance is off is all I can say.
Can I get a refund on my Stamina points.... This limit kills the game. There is always a bigger fish. Every one farms. Even the complainers farm people
lower than them, there is a reason why mob games before this one never put a limit on attacks. Just do the same thing others done, add a hit list or use the above protection plan. Any limit kills the game. -
Ian I didn't know you spoke!
The reason this was put in was to addreess harrassers. It's a lazy, I'll thought out fix.
Better ways to address it are:
-Hitlists (as mentioned before)
-turf hurls ( like hitlists but focused on a turf)You HAVE to get players involved to cooperatively combine vs a single strong player. This is good for 3 reasons.
1) increases player interaction
2) balances a single large powerful player that's been a dick to others as eventually enough people will combine to over take 'em.
3) also creates turf politics between players via game mechanics -
All three excellent points! Until they program and roll this out, however, the attack limit is doing a huge amount of damage to the appeal of the game from both ends of the spectrum. I would suggest scrapping the attack limit and using a hitlist created here in the forum. One like Patsy created in the Help and Startegies section.
Not happy with new limit on attacks. Only people left to fight have loads more weapons than me so I cam only loose. I'm resigning. See ya
I'm just repeating what everyone has already said but the new
system blows. -
I don't even have enough people to attack 4 times in the time given. It should go back to the way it was.This update blows.
I agree with Charlie and Nate.
Ideas for improvement:
1. If you are about to attack someone after reaching your arbitrary and seemingly random threshhold, a pop-up box should be supplied requiring your confirmation. This way we do not have to waste Any attacks.
2. Instead of the arbitrary limit, just give the defending player a scaling bonus against attacks when someone starts spamming them. Example, Tony attacks lower-level Vito 4 times in 24 hrs. Now Vito's mob has been attacked by Tony's mob so much they know what to expect and are prepared. Vito gets +50% to defense if Tony attacks again within 24 hrs. And the bonuses would continue to rack up until Tony lays off Vito for 24 hrs.
This does a few things . It makes sense. It's not completely random; there's actually a realistic-enough sounding reason behind it. It helps protect players from spam attacks while not completely negating the attacking player's incentive to attack. It adds another layer of complexity to the attacking as well: how far can you push your luck?
Ps Natedogg great idea on the scaling rewards based on level gap.
Also I totally DISAGREE with hitlists or anything of the sort. I have not been playing this game very long and I have been spam attacked many timescand have been on the spamming end as well (usually out of necessity)
is it frustrating and annoying when you get spam attacked? Sure it is, but that is part of the fun. That adds value to your accomplishments and gives the player a feeling that there's truly something at stake, and it MEANS something when you build up your strength and get revenge. The update seems to have taken a step toward robbing the game of this aspect of it's personality.
I have been playing this game since boxing day and I'm level 31 now with 120+mob and I got here by attacking people who are weaker than me to level up, it's my main source for xp. I'm in a area with not many people. So with this 4 attack system I can't get any xp. At least lower the time limit because o am starting to get confused on what time I can attack people.
Ya I'm out of people around my level or mob to attack after using my max stamina once. So I'm left to either not attack again for 36 hours or I just start to attack the really low level people for money having the opposite effect that this bullshit system was suppose to have. Even doing that I still run out of people do attack so I'm left with just attacking the turfs of whiners for no reason other then I have all this stamina with no one to attack
After wasting more time than I would have liked reading these posts I am I agree that the "farming" is an issue and one way to help with this is a hitlist suggestion that Patsy put out there. Love that idea and I think it would bring a whole new aspect to the game.
I wouldn't mind this system so if it at least kept track of who I had attacked already
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