Not to many politics in this game
Forums › General Discussion › Not to many politics in this game-
I was looking around and nobody has anything positive or negitive on the white house chuggerz (I think that name) has close but nothing on what do you think about this (I mean you)!
I know that I believe in my constitutional right to bear arms! I do not agree with socialized healthcare or this administrations unbelievable willingness to spend money hand over fist. I believe in protecting our homeland from all enemies foreign and domestic and most importantly........
I believe in Turf Wars!
Roady615 ........... Out
Natedogg wrote:
...and I believe those are early signs of paranoia...I know that I believe in my constitutional right to bear arms!...I believe in protecting our homeland from all enemies foreign and domestic.....
Haha! Just watching with a conservative's eye. Those who wished for change on this scale should be watching also. All Im saying is that it's unprecedented. Do you not agree?
On a healthcare or defense policy?
Either one. They're both hot topics.
First of all I don't live in US, but in my opinion your defence policy is direct result of last 10 years and doesn't leave much choice. US is no longer partner for Russia or China and war in Iraq only made Irans posision stronger. As for free healthcare, from my experience it works better in some counties then others, you'll see.
Well, as for the defense policy, I very much support the war on terrorist and really don't care what countries may oppose us in that effort. Terrorist need to know that there are those who seek to destroy them and there is nowhere to hide. As for socialized healthcare, the overwhelming majority of those who currently have healthcare are happy with the coverage that they have.
Furthermore, most americans have no interest in paying taxes to ensure that illegal immagrants or those who choose to live on the wellfare system have healthcare. We currently have the greatest healtcare system in the world. Ask most people in the world about the level of care they receive and that answer will support my previous statement.
Dude, you can not be you really believe the bull that media feed you? War on terror my fragrant arse. Who do you think supply and supplied those terrorist with weapons? It's oil man, that's what it's all about. Unfortunately for US they can't afford to withdraw now from either Iraq or Afganistan, they also can't afford to keep troops there, it's no win situation.
America is already a socialist country and has been since the 50s. Were just not a well run socialism. Many americans don't understand what socialism means.
If you're agianst socialism then protest Medicare, fire department, public schools, police, the military, social security, etc.
Americans don't want "reform" in healthcare, foriegn policy, etc because it means admitting we're not the best. So instead we continue down to save face. Many other countries face the same problem with national ego so we're not alone in this sort of idiocy either.
And terrorism in the US is a scam. We have a few attacks over the last 100 years and we think we're the targets of international terrorism while other countries are hit several times a tear.
Most terrorism agianst the US happens in South America and not by muslims but by chatholics. But no one is sayng we should invade the fucking Vatican.
I don't think that you would find many Americans who would not admit that they would like to see some form of healthcare reform. The system is not perfect but when it comes to the skill of our doctors and the level of service that most people receive, you will not find a better system in all of the world. It's easy for you to say that the war is all about oil but the fact of the matter is that we were the target of a horendous terrorist attack and Iraq was harboring those terrorists. I do agree that thi has gone on long enough but as long as there nations who sympathize with them, no one will be safe. I honestly do not want this to turn in to an ugly debate. I respect your opinions and our view points are all a little jaded by what we see and hear every day in our respective worlds. I am willing to continue this debate if we can all do so in a civil manner.
A scam.....really?? This is one elaborate scam. I mean to pull off flying planes into buildings. That's one hell of a scam! The fact that you even mentioned that other countries suffer acts of terror more than we do proves that there us a global terror issue. We are finally trying to put a stop to it! I hardly think the Catholics are behind what's going on in South America and attacking the Vatican is Rediculous.
Nate, sorry if it looks like we're ganging up on you. As for a healthcare I don't know, you may be right, though I assume that by saying you have best system and doctors in a world you do have a knowledge of healthcare in other countries. As for war on terror-there is absolutly no evidence of Iraq being behind 9/11 - fact. How about India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Chechenya or perhaps Russia? Terrorists apparently behind those attakcs- and make no mistake, those were horrible attacks- during '80s were sponsored by US - another fact...
Best tools to control nation are fear and religion, do you agree?
Nate humour me and check on the net for BTS data on 9/11 planes the day before. They are at best strange. I'm not the one for conspiracy theories, but...hmmm
I would absolutely agree with that. No worries about ganging up. These are no doubt difficult an passionate topics and view points are on each side of the spectrum. I don't hold Iraq responsible for the attacks. Let's be clear on that. Nor do I hold Iran or Afganistan responsible. That being said, they were in Iraq and have since moved to neighboring countries. I do regret that these countries have been damaged in this effort. I wish that they were able to confront this issue head on themselves without our involvement but I don't think that's possible. The different Parties within the Muslim nations have been at war for generations so maybe it's that they don't want help at all. But the US will not be put in a state of fear or retreat by a terrorist group from anywhere.
I would hope that all people would have that level of patriotism, pride and love for their countries. That is one of the things that has made America one of the world leaders. No disrepect intended to any nation with that comment. The US has long lended it's helpful hand whenever possible.
I will look at the data as soon as I have a chance. Let me just say that I appreciate the fact the we can have this discussion without making it personal. Alot could be accomplished if others would follow suit.
But it's for a best interest US to keep it's citizens in a state of fear. That way big arm manufacturers lobbied by certain politicians get goverment contracts. And argument for invading Iraq because terrorist were apparently on it's territory is weak. They were on US and probably every other country on this planet and be sure with technology goverments has this days at disposal they can control them to their advantage.
I agree with you Nate, it good to talk. There's a awful lag on those messages.
I didn't say 9/11 didn't happen. The idea that a) there us a major terrorist agenda agianst the US and b) that attacking Muslim countries makes sense is the scam.
Let me just say I don't think that any of us have first hand knowledge of the "real" agendas of our country's military or economic strategies. We can only form opinions based on what our governments tell us, what we observe and what we truly feel that our country's motives are. The war in Iraq was initiated by one act of violence. The ones believed to be behind that attack were known to be in Iraq. The question then becomes "what would you have done?". I cannot say that I agree with trying to take democracy to a nation who may or may not want it
but I do agree that we need to do something and the war in Iraq was a starting point. -
I'm a 25 year old diabetic DJ. I spen well over 500 a month to live.
That sucks. I want my Obama care. All money is make beleive anways.
9/11 had and has nothing to do with Iraq natedogg. Just bury your head back in the sand where things are simple and your misunderstandings don't threaten to bring the outside world down with you.
And let me tell you that in America we are the government, just in exhile. So don't think that some shady corporate mob really represents the will of the people. Those people currently in power are in no position to bring democrasy anywhere because they aren't democratic.
We definitely agree that we the people are the government and for so long have somehow forgotten that. I do not agree with how things turned out in Iraq and are Now spilling over to Afganistan now. However, I still believe that America is and forever will be good as long as the people in it don't forget the fact that we have a voice and our will should be carried out above that of corporate dollars it will continue to be good. Good discussion all on some things we agree and others we will most likely always disagree. That's ok because that is one of many things that make this country great.
I'm sorry to hear about your condition DJ and for those who actually have great need, I hope that you get the reform that you need. As I said before the system is not perfect and should be reformed I just think there are better ways than overhauling as they are trying to do.
This has turned into something way too serious. What do you guys say we put politics aside and just play turf wars??? It was more fun like that.
This is so relevant to the game we're all here to play.
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