Be kind to yourself
Forums › General Discussion › Be kind to yourself-
This festive season. It’s good to talk, reach out and engage with people.
This time of year can be tough on people.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas. -
Merry Christmas to you as well DML, nice post 🥂
Many happy returns!
Merry Christmas to you DML 🎄🙏
Merry Christmas folks.
Merry Christmas 🎄
So well said, DML. This is a tough time of the year for many.
My wife and I separated just before Christmas a few years ago. The holidays were rough. Those next 6 months were horrible.
If you’re struggling and need someone to talk to, I’m around. It isn’t easy to hear in the moment (I sure as hell wasn’t ready to hear it then), but it does get better. You can make it through this!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Happy new years and all the best tidings to your new years endeavors
Cheers -
Happy new year to all in the turf wars world
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