Public negotiation
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Chilling has been bullying me into submission over very minor things I’ve done and fixed only to be attacked again…
Deal is as follows, I remove all my turf from everywhere (Brisbane, Gympie, Maroochydore, Darwin) but Broken Hill and in return he removes his Broken Hill turf (which is only there to attack me) -
Really? How were they “ fixed “? Did you ever apologize for any of the insults?
I never insulted you, well until you started insulting me… If you’re so offended by those ‘insults’ I recommend never visiting Australia. You’ll break down in the terminal when someone says ‘bugger off”
If you want me to do a ban you must first draw a p cock on the map with your turf. It’s only then that I will begin the process. Good luck.
Drew’s Peacock or a droopy cock?
private message
Chilling says:
private message
Drew P Cock says:
Fine man, I’ll stop capturing inactives, I just legitimately want to know why it annoys players, not a jab at you or anything I really don’t know
Oct 5, 2024
Notice the date? How many inactives have you capped since then? The problem with lying is that nobody can trust you to keep your word since obviously it means nothing to you. And don’t even try to justify it. You stated that you would stop and you haven’t.Here is the problem for anyone interested… Since this message I have captured five individual turf circles from areas with heaps of turf. Two in Goodna to regain the capo in the area, two by mistake when capturing from an active player (The Fella) which were in a cluster and one in Darwin which had a liquor license… And apparently this makes me worse than Hitler?
No, the problem is that you said you would stop and you haven’t. So now you want me to accept your word. Well why should I? So you can lie again?
private message
Chilling says:
private message
Drew P Cock says:
Just wanted to become capo of that area, was just one turf away
Oct 26, 2024
Lying again. You capped a single turf to get a capo. And anyway, didn’t I say NOT to try and justify it? Simply put, you said you would stop and you haven’t. So I don’t trust you.Sorry, looks like I lied again, I only took one turf not two, thanks for showing me how bad of a liar I am
I would like to extend a public apology for my dishonesty. I am very sorry I lied to Chilling on the 15th of October by saying I “haven’t captured in a week” when it was actually only three days. What a harmful lie I apologise to the agony I caused him with that.
I also apologise for the lie where I recently claimed I captured two turf in Goodna when he found out it was actually only one turf I took, another harmful lie.Have I lied about anything else, probably, but it really demeans my character with these constant lies…
Drew P Cock wrote: two by mistake when capturing from an active player (The Fella) which were in a cluster
Not taking sides but wanted to fact check, you captured way more than 2 from TheFella, in fact you are still in possession of 4 or 5 of them lol -
Correction: (Still in possession of 10 of them)
Phwoar wrote:
He was an active player, Chilling was getting up me for capturing two from inactives which were in Fellas flower.Drew P Cock wrote: two by mistake when capturing from an active player (The Fella) which were in a cluster
Not taking sides but wanted to fact check, you captured way more than 2 from TheFella, in fact you are still in possession of 4 or 5 of them lol -
So the way I see it is basically you made a plea for help on the forums because chilling capped you. He proceeded to say you capped inactives and insulted him. On the insulting charge you basically said he did it too (showed no evidence) and told him to go fuck himself. On the inactives charge you consistently proved yourself a liar and a very unpleasant person. Chilling on the other hand made two correct statements. You insulted him (check chillings wall) and you admitted you capped inactives. I know who I believe.
Evidence time then Mr Laddie:
“Are you learning impaired?” “clueless wonder” “ Are you delusional?” “ Are you a hypocrite? Are you a spoiled immature brat” “ are a spoiled little brat you has temper tantrums when things don’t go your way”
And he can go fuck himself, to death preferably.I’m a liar on the inactives side? Go check all turf I have captured after October (when Chilling told me taking inactives wasn’t cool) there are under 5 I’ve taken from inactives.
You know who has proved themselves very unpleasant? Chilling!
Nah chilling is decent Tbf my interactions haven’t been on the best reasons but never found him difficult or anything
Unless it’s loot cap, don’t cap inactives regardless- simple really
⸸Ꭷ'ςลֆɛʏ⛧ wrote:
Decent? He starves me and forgets to change my oil .. 🙃Nah chilling is decent Tbf my interactions haven’t been on the best reasons but never found him difficult or anything
Unless it’s loot cap, don’t cap inactives regardless- simple really
There use to be a person here who would've put this before a special court. He would've then brought down the shunning hammer on the guilty.
Butin his absence, I say it's time for you all to get your evidence and get your witnesses. I shall hold a open house court session.
Here is the ENTIRE story. Drew aka Johnny Cheese was part of a group of players who started attacking my turf. I told them that the attacks were useless. So they started with insults and gave me an order to leave the area. These insults finally turned into detailed instructions telling me to commit suicide. That crossed the line so I complained. They all were banned.
Now Drew has returned with a new account. His story is one of “ poor me, I’ve done nothing wrong “. He insists that I’m picking a fight with him, totally forgetting that he and his friends started this. I’ve hinted a few times that an apology might be in order and he finally has sarcastically provided one ( see above ). And now he’s calling me Hitler so if he wants to portray me as an a$$, I’ll act like one towards him.
Here is the full story. From the start. I know you’ll all cry lies and bullshit but whatever this’ll probably be the last thing I say on this game anyway. Thanks Chilling!
I found this game a while ago, at the start of the year, got some mates (Me-Johnny cheese now Drew, Mike Hunt alias Boganese, Fum Bucker, Gushmeister) these are mostly people I once had a class in high school with, not people I know well. We decided we wanted Mowbray Park but one of Chillings turfs was there, Grout, not knowing how the game worked we attacked it thinking we could destroy it. So Chilling attacked us and threatened us, so we, still not knowing how the game worked issued an ultimatum. Obviously that failed and Chilling, now in a full fledged power trip, attacked us like mad. At this point I kind of dropped out, yes they were in my family but I had no idea what was going on. They kept insulting Chilling and started putting up his ‘to do lists’ really they just didn’t care anymore and were fucking about. (Cont)
When they (expectedly) got banned I was lumped in and banned too, I still maintain this was unfair as I didn’t actually partake in the worst of the insults and didn’t do anything after the first weeks. Anyway I re-downloaded the game in late June while visiting family in Broken Hill. Expanded to Brisbane a short time later, Chilling probably figured out I was related in some way, I think he had a go at me but can’t really remember. Not knowing that capping inactives was frowned upon I tried to see how much I could take in Goodna, this is when Chilling attacked me and kept telling me not to cap inactives (but never said why until the end) okay fair enough. Since then I took a few (5) some by accident some on purpose but not anything serious. Now Chilling comes back and keeps attacking me claiming I’m a massive liar and I politely ask him to stop. Of course this is more evil behaviour on my part apparently. Then Chilling jumps all the way out to Broken Hill and starts destroying all my turf there. (Cont)
No my Broken Hill turf is the only stuff I like, probably I’ll never be there again and I rather like being away from active players. Hence I make this offer: I will leave all other areas (bar Broken Hill) not capture anything again (active or inactive) and never speak to Chilling again.
I ask you Chilling what is wrong with this? The only reason you’d have to deny it is you’re enjoying a power trip…
So, Drew came to this game not once, but twice. And failed miserably at it? All because you thought you were sneaky and cool? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What a tool. Loooooosssssseeeeeerrrrrrr!!
Drew P Cock wrote:
Your every attempt at negotiation is a backhanded insult. You come to our table with no respect. It’s not good for business. Tony will see you out now.No my Broken Hill turf is the only stuff I like, probably I’ll never be there again and I rather like being away from active players. Hence I make this offer: I will leave all other areas (bar Broken Hill) not capture anything again (active or inactive) and never speak to Chilling again.
I ask you Chilling what is wrong with this? The only reason you’d have to deny it is you’re enjoying a power trip…
Drew P Cock wrote:
Meanwhile you and your associates have told him to kill himself. Yeah, real stand up guys. You literally just said “yeah he can go fuck himself, to death preferably” I can’t really see why you feel this is unjustified. To give everyone an idea of what you guys said one “to do list” told him to drive to a pharmacy, get an insulin syringe, empty the insulin, fill with air and inject himself. The fact that everyone has come out in chillings defence says a lotEvidence time then Mr Laddi:
“Are you learning impaired?” “clueless wonder” “ Are you delusional?” “ Are you a hypocrite? Are you a spoiled immature brat” “ are a spoiled little brat you has temper tantrums when things don’t go your way”
And he can go fuck himself, to death preferably.I’m a liar on the inactives side? Go check all turf I have captured after October (when Chilling told me taking.
Another boganese/Johnny cheese thread? Is it Christmas already?
Stop being a bitch its the game, get better 👍 faggy
ItalianMobzster wrote:
Damn, I mean, I don't like the guy, but no need for that shit.Stop being a bitch its the game, get better 👍 faggy
Dumbass really wanna get another account banned. Why play at all if this is what you're going to resort too every time you're upset?
Rͣeͩeͩferjuana wrote:
He posted that crap on my wall aswell…. Sad afDumbass really wanna get another account banned. Why play at all if this is what you're going to resort too every time you're upset?
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