Radius of planting turf
Forums › General Discussion › Radius of planting turf-
This is something i have come to accept but dont really understand it. Sometimes i can tap the very edge of the green plant radius and drop a turf but other times i must tap considerably inside the green plant radius before it accepts it. Its not that its unplantable. But the planting just isnt working right. Does anyone know the reason why its different and not just the same everywhere?
And is this just unfixable? Why cant the plant radius work the same everywhere on the map?
Happens to me all the time. Especially when using maps. Frustrating
My understanding is that the map is actually more like a grid due to rounding. So turfs “snap” in a square. GPS coordinates are rounded so you can’t get the exact spot you touch.
Take out a sheet of graph paper and draw a circle on it you will see what I’m talking about.
You will only be able to plant in squares where the center of square is inside the circle you draw on graph paper. That make sense?
That makes since except there are areas that every tap works on the proper edge and other areas where none work at all. Seems if it were truly lime you said it would be more random than it is.
Yeah pure conjecture on my part just thinking how stuff is probably programmed and unlikely to have infinite granularity.
Yeah I’d have to see what you are talking about and i could be wrong. Just remember it’s more likely to plant along lines at absolute N E S W positions. Will always be harder to plant exactly on the line at NE NW SE SW locations due to grid effect.
Also I’d guess the areas it is harder to do that would also be more near the equator. And easier to plant on line the farther you get away from the equator.
I think the granularity is greater at the poles. Think if you drew lines across the globe the squares are much smaller at the poles.
Let me know if that correlates.
Also the “grid” at poles is going to be more rectangular and more square at equator which could cause the distortion effect.
I just wanna know why Greenland looks so damn big....now as far as that map issue. It is a pain and seems to be random.
Have you noticed if it shortchanges you when planting on edge opposed to planting within circle( but at outermost point allowed)? I have been to lazy to check -
🌲Ҫᒫᛨ൬ᙪ⛏F℧꒖gΔL🍄 wrote:
Denmark conspiracy to raise value.I just wanna know why Greenland looks so damn big....now as far as that map issue. It is a pain and seems to be random.
Have you noticed if it shortchanges you when planting on edge opposed to planting within circle( but at outermost point allowed)? I have been to lazy to checkI’d be curious if everywhere at same latitude acts same way with issues you see. Would make sense.
I’ve been wondering about this for ages.. I thought it was just me.
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