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I'm posting hoping folks in this community have done something or intend to for the people in Haiti.
Since we own iPhones and got the time to play games like TW I gotta assume we got some funds or volunteer time for those struggling with the disaster.
Not trying to preach or anything, just saying!
All the sympathy in the world for Haiti...
but any extra time or money I have goes to the less fortunate within my own borders.
To each their own. If everyone did what they could, then this world would be a different place! My prayers (and money) go out to the people of Haiti.
If you pay federal taxes, then financial support for Haiti has already been coerced from you. Wasn't that thoughtful of congress?
That's just stupid - if you think regular foreign aid will be much assistance when a natural disaster occurs which kills tens of thousands and destroys a cities infrastucture you're a fucking retard
And when I let my government take my tax money to send to other countries when it is needed here at home, I'm a fucking retard.
So...being the fucking retard that I am, I will let the Government use the money they take from me however they see fit. As to the money I have control over, I will use that as I see fit.
There. Everybody wins.
More help is needed than what a gov can do. I'd like to think individuals can act compassionately and not just leave it to the gov to do everything for them :p
well dont have much money but i send my prayers
whitey bulger wrote:
More help is needed than what a gov can do. I'd like to think individuals can act compassionately and not just leave it to the gov to do everything for them :p
I understand where you are coming from. I give what I can and help when I can. But I only have so much to give and I just feel I need to help here more than I need to help there.
I was walking through downtown the other day, and I couldn't count how many people were homeless, living under the freeway overpasses, etc...
Some don't give a rat's ass about there condition, and IMO don't deserve help when they feel that way or make no effort to help themselves.
I offered to buy a couple lunches. Some that I asked stated they wanted the money instead. Sorry...I'm not supporting habits.
One day last week, outside a mall, a guy asked me if I had any change to spare so he could "get a salad at the mall". I felt compelled to help this guy, so I did.
But not financially. I offered instead, advice. I informed that his money would go much further if he was to buy some lettuce at the grocery store as opposed to a salad at the mall. I informed him further, that since he was in a position where he had to ask for handouts to buy food, chances are he would not know where his next meal is coming from and that he might want to consider spending on a meal a little more substantial than a salad.
But realizing his plight, I still wanted to help. So I asked what he had in his backpack...perhaps he had something that may be of use to me that I could purchase at a price mo fair to him than me.
He just walked away.
Now...getting back to topic-
There are international organizations set up to help people in situations like what happened in Haiti.
Is that enough? In all likelihood, no. But there are problems all over the world and not enough help to go around. Even if everyone was to give what they could afford to live without, it still wouldn't be enough.
Unfortunately, in most cases, to help one is to not help another.
And since I have to make a choice, I choose to help those closest to me and in my own community.
Ya, I understand that about poverty in America and homeless like in your stories. To me, some people aren't responsible and end up in hard times and may make shit up to get money but what happened in Haiti is no ones responsibilty or "fault" - it's just a fuckin disaster so I don't think it's really the same thing
Disaster is disaster. Whether it be an act of God or act of incompetent Government.
Where was international community to help the US during Katrina? Iniki? California quakes? Mt. St. Helens?
Huh? Dude, Haiti and the US = not comparable. I understand that all ya care about is within out borders so I'll just agree to disagree with that kind of world view.
Just so I am clear on your position - you are not giving aid to help people buried under rubble in Haiti because you are under the false impression that no foriegn aid was given to the US during Katrina?
I'll just like to say it seems here in Australia we are always herring how our gov is sending money over to other countries to help them as I am a humain person and seen no wrong in this and I also donate my money when I can spare it. I also get a little annoyed hearing how so many Australians are losing thier homes due to Americas fuck up in finances (yeah I just blamed you guys) of course I am not blameing you all just the boys and girls in power I also get f'd off with America picking at australias tv choices and calling us racist all the time yet seeing shows like the Simpson make fun of us and every other countrie you may think I'm complaining but all I'm saying is treat others how you wanted to b treated give to the needy as one day it may be you begging for money
EE Zee wrote:
Just so I am clear on your position - you are not giving aid to help people buried under rubble in Haiti because you are under the false impression that no foriegn aid was given to the US during Katrina?
No. I am not giving aid to help people buried under rubble in Haiti because I can not afford to give aid to help people buried under rubble in Haiti and give aid yo the people here that need it at the same time.
I have nothing against foreign aid if a country can afford it. As I stated earlier, ther are international funds set aside for these types of things.
I just feel that if a country is to donate above and beyond what they already contribute to these relief funds they should do so only after they take of their own first.
I have nothing against those individuals giving to Haiti. They should be commended for helping.
When giving time or money to help others, you need to do so where you, the giver, feels it will do the most good. For me, that means within my own community.
Haiti is one of the fucking poorest contries in yhis shitted up world we live in, if we didn't give them support, let's see how many have already died? Hmm let's add about a thousand+
Still, we've got some problems of our own, the Obama is spending so much fucking money it's hard to keep up... The world needs our help and we need the worlds help, you don't have to like it, just fucking deal with it. -
I live in US incase you couldn't tell
Well I agree on both parts like I said it makes me sad to see others in need but then I see all these charities working for other contries and see
all these homeless ppl in m own contrie it makes me sick to think that your sending $100 over to one place every month and only 10.00 is getting to the ppl there and insted you could go down the street grab a homeless person walk into a shop with them buy 100.00 worth of food or cloths or whatever and the whole 100.00 gets to them maybe if thier governents where kicked out of
power and a really ppl goverment was put in they wouldn't be so poor but then I guess tht will never happen and they are to always beg from us more fortunate contries -
It's terrible wat's happened in Haiti but I no how they feel. Last time I had 30 aftershocks I couldn't find my home either.
You lot can argue all you want. I'm gonna donate some cash, now. Sitting playing a game on an expensive phone, whilst in Haiti people are still dying, now. Over200000 dead already. Go on give a few pounds/ dollars, instead of more points, today. Thanks Whitey.
Ever wondered why Haiti is so poor, despite sitting right off the coast of a major trade power and enjoying free military protection?
Hint: poverty has a cause. And it is relevant to this conversation.
Speaking of earthquakes, did anyone feel this one we just had in California at 4 am?? I don't know where the epicenter was or the magnitude yet, but it felt like a pretty decent one. I usually sleep through them & it woke me up.
whitey bulger wrote:
That's just stupid - if you think regular foreign aid will be much assistance when a natural disaster occurs which kills tens of thousands and destroys a cities infrastucture you're a fucking retard
you obviously have no
idea how much money our U.S. Government hands out to other countries. Especially with a disaster like this so i suggest you start calling yourself retard.I as well have helped by paying my taxes and any extra i receive i help my own people who are in just as much need.
Drizzy - why not tell us how much in relation to the overall US budget? If it's so much money, enlighten us. What is it? 25%? 50%? I don't give a shit about how generous the gov is, I made this post just for us as individuals - not to start a debate on the fed
Have you people forgotten that we accepted $40 million in foreign aid for hurricane Katrina? If we should only help our fellow Americans, does this mean we should give all that money back?
Well, when I'm on the web, I go to those sights where it's like 'take this poll and we'll donate 10$ to Haiti's peoples' maybe Im just another fucking retards. Dumb fucks, UNITE! ;D
Mormons do A LOT! They were there before the government. Research it.
News headline: Violence and Riots in Haiti
Things like this makes me feel less sorrow for them.
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