Newbie Support Alliance (NSA)
Forums › Help & Strategy › Newbie Support Alliance (NSA)-
Any way to help stop SABIN💔, he has completely taken over Oklahoma City, took almost all turf and completely ruined the game here.
I, tiwenraj21, agree, support & endorse this alliance.
I think I played this game years ago, interface seems very different. I can support this, I’m in NW Suburbs of Chicago
Which airports are official? Which can be used to fly elsewhere?
Also I wish to join
What is the best way to go about capping an enemy turf.
I support and my influence is in southern Texas
How does attacking a defending work, should I buy more weapons etc or do I only need 8 of each?
I’m still new but you guys have my full support. I’m based in IL so for ppl there just contact me
I support this, I have influence in south Devon, England
I support and agree with the nsa goals
I am in full support and would have influence in San Bernardino
I support this and have turfs in south Ireland end England
I support this fully and have influence in the panhandle of FL…
I support this but have no turf
I agree and support, I am new and have influence in Devon (England)
I, DUG bones pledge my allegiance and support the goals of the NSA. I have 7 turfs in Lagos, nigeria
Don’t know if anyone will see this but can someone tell me why my max influence per zone is only 86 while others at like in the hundreds i don’t get how to increase it
TJ1004 wrote:
Don’t know if anyone will see this but can someone tell me why my max influence per zone is only 86 while others at like in the hundreds i don’t get how to increase it
Looted turf upgrades from missions with chance of loot, you can get some that aren’t available otherwise
My account is 4 days old VPaul2216 keeps bombing all my terf and using horse heads and cement on me for no reason
Hey, TAZ is obliterating noobs like me, any chance you could help please?
I’m getting thrashed by CEO and I haven’t done any thing I just messaged him asking. To tear something down
Is there a reason no additional details are provided for the various items like the cannolis
A player is being a absolute virgin and ruining the game for me and my friends in the south Brisbane Australia area, his name is chilling and we want to get his out of the area but he is way to strong.
Do mission first upgrade one turf and then move to the next one easy then you do fighting
I just started playing and support this initiative. I am located in central Alabama
~Matt~ wrote:
Welcome to the NSA!
Golden Rule: Please do not spam this thread else you incur the wrath of the entire alliance!
Who we are: We're an alliance of experienced players dedicated to helping new players establish themselves in Turf Wars.
Goal: The NSA's goal is to defend, advise & support all new players everywhere until they are able to stand on their own.
Need Help?: Have a question, need some advice or just want to say hi to one of the vetern players? Simply scroll down this thread, find a player with influence in your area & send them a comment. It's as easy as that.
Hello, Im new.... few days now. Should I focus on defense or growth?
Btw, any ex-Dawn of Titans players? Be cool to find ya on here.
Lơཞŋ ąu Aཞƈơs wrote:
Focus on mob quantity before growing too much I think, I didn’t know this at first and rushed to level but without mobs you can be an easy target for experienced playersHello, Im new.... few days now. Should I focus on defense or growth?
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