Newbie Support Alliance (NSA)
Forums › Help & Strategy › Newbie Support Alliance (NSA)-
I have influence in Minnesota
I support the NSA and have influence in dacula and Jefferson cities in Georgia USA
I have influence in Hawaii.
I fully support, I have influence in Melbourne, Australia also I need more mob
I support NSA. I have influence from Oklahoma to louisiana
I will support this alliance
I will
I know kinda what I'm doing but i need help with some stuff I want to join
Anyone with turf in north florida
I, Bella, agree, support & endorse this alliance.
I have influence in SF Bay Area California
Anybody have influince in sw wisconsin??
I mean s-e wisconsin
I support and have influence in Pennsylvania
I support NSA. I have influence in the UAE. I'm the capo of Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Fujairah, Al Yahar , Swehien, Abu Samarah and Kalba
I $l@yer, would live to join the NSA and help new players in Turf Wars. I have Influence in Franklin and Delphi, Indiana.
I can be found in Calgary, kelowna, FLA, Houston, EDM, Maui, Chicago, NY, KY
I support the NSA and have influence on long island ny, and Virginia beach
I'm kind've a newbie I keep trying to attack this one guy's turf but I keep failing I would like to Join the NSA. P.S. I am in Hawaii (Honolulu) my turf is called The Turf By Raistlin thx
I support this alliance
I have control in Wales, UK -
I agree and support NSA I have influence in central California
I agree and support the NSA I have influence in southern californa
I support NSA. I have influence in Wisconsin.
I fully support and
my area of influence is sothern flordia and southern ontario -
I will support this. I have influence in Florida and Georgia.
I know what it feels like to be bullied in game. Although I'm still slightly new, I fully support and endorse the NSA and will do whatever I can to help.
I agree ill help anyone needing it
I littlesis127 pledge to help but I'm still a noob
I have influence in Wisconsin and I'm capo of sturtevant ( idk how I'm already capo tho ) -
I will be glad to help u. I know lots of newbies and can help anyone in northern md. Everywhere I am I am capo so I will do everything I can to help👍
I am a newbie
I fully support the NSA and all it stands for, I have influence in SW Missouri and a pin in NW Arkansas
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