Forums › Help & Strategy › Defending-
I kno that sumtimes the don helps
protect a player way lower level in defending but this
prick keeps attacking me and he is 15 levels above me y is the don not helping me -
Arm your mob retard
I think the system is a lol broken still. I do know it has something to do with you're weapons armor and mob. The best thing you can do is have more mob than him. and codematrix something or other. And make sure you have weapons and armor for all you're members
Grow mob and get defense weapons - if they persist will just have to wait it out til they really outlevel you or give up
Mid level players attack for money, others attack to steal turf since that's the only way to grow empire after a certain point.
Bank your money for awhile so money seeking attackers will pass you over.
Create turf close to others to make more money, but just outside of capturable range. For turfs within that range keep the influence low so it's not capturable by big time players. Don't build to full influence within capturable distance of big time players until you have built up a larger mob and armed them with armor and defense weapon like RPGs.
It may take time before you can build large and keep all turfs. You will lose some but thats part of this game. At some point you'll be taking some too.
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