Best to expand "out" or "up" with turfs?
Forums › Help & Strategy › Best to expand "out" or "up" with turfs?-
New player here - I've been running with the strategy of leveling up and building as much turf as possible but im getting to the point now that I'm wondering if I should be focusing on building the more expensive upgrades.
For me, when I started, I tried to focus on getting as much income as possible as well as leveling so I could build 86 influence turfs and get the most income from each one.
Looking back now, I’d say growing your mob is far more efficient use of time.
Profile Advice:
✅ Set your Energy in multiples of 50, preferably 250 or 300, this allows the best returns on brens during loot events.
☑️ Log in daily to collect 5 free DP.
✅ Save all 5 free daily DP for loot events.
Oct - Dec: save DP for Christmas loot event to up turf limit.
Dec - Oct: save DP for annual loot event.
At the Spring loot event spend some of turf limit, for brens and loot.
However, saving 50 cannoli will allow you use all DP on turf limit or upgrading your profile.☑️ Use your energy to run the mission 'Crack a Bank Safe' (CBS), this mission provides the best possible chance of rare loot.
☑️ Keep all cannoli and tool boxes for annual loot event. Try to have 30 - 50 of each saved by October.
❎ Do not put DP into anything other than energy or stamina. Attack & Defence are useless.
➡️ Punch temp codes daily -
That isn’t mine. But it is a great summary.
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