Help with attacking
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Can someone explain what goes into whether or not I win a fight? I'm confused about how total mob members, amount of weapons, and your own stats(attack and defense) affect each other. Thanks in advance
Add up the attack values of your weapons and vests/suits for each mob member you have.
Do same for your opponent except add up their defense values.
If your attack value is considerably larger than their defense value then u win.At least that is my understanding.
Anyone have a different understanding?🔫🔫EDS66343🔫🔫
Yep. Level factors in as well, I think, but is minor.
Weapon/armor stats are equal so a bigger equally equipped mob will always beat a smaller (less help from the Don due to a lvl gap) when comparing attack while attacking vs. Defense while defending.
Next is individual stats which you'll never know what they'll have, you can make educated guesses by comparing their health and energy, but they could also have bought Don points and pumped up stats as well.
Much appreciated guys. Thanks a lot
I have over 100 mob more than a neighbor but I can't beat him. We both have maxed out weapons. Seems kind of illogical. It's not like he has spent all his bonus points on defense...
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