Level Definitions: by popular request!
Forums › Help & Strategy › Level Definitions: by popular request!-
Hey everyone,
We've received several requests to clarify the info on turf limits and experience associated with each level - to make it easier on everyone, here's a tab-separated table with this info:Level Name Experience Max Turf
1 Punk 0 1
2 Errand Boy 7 2
3 Scrub 15 2
4 Stoolie 30 3
5 Wannabe 55 3
6 Runner 90 4
7 Lookout 135 4
8 Petty Thief 190 5
9 Roughneck 260 5
10 Thug 340 6
11 Collector 430 6
12 Hustler 530 7
13 Vato 640 7
14 Dealer 760 7
15 Heavy Thug 900 8
16 Hood 1050 8
17 Brawler 1200 9
18 Ese 1360 9
19 Pusher 1520 10
20 Bagman 1700 10
21 Thief 1880 10
22 Enforcer 2080 11
23 Wiseguy 2280 11
24 Lead Runner 2500 11
25 Mobster 2720 12 -
26 Sharper 2940 12
27 Heavy Hood 3180 12
28 Master Hustler 3420 13
29 Sr. Enforcer 3660 13
30 Loc 3900 13
31 El Mejor Ese 4170 14
32 Lead Lookout 4440 14
33 Master Bagman 4710 14
34 Jewel Thief 4980 15
35 Big Time Pusher 5280 15
36 Master Collector 5580 15
37 Burly Roughneck 5880 16
38 Chief Enforcer 6180 16
39 Master Thief 6480 16
40 Big Time Dealer 6780 17
41 Heavy Collector 7130 17
42 El Mejor Vato 7580 17
43 Loc Superior 8180 18
44 Sgarrista 8880 18
45 Made Mobster 9680 18
46 Fencer 10580 19
47 Burly Brawler 11580 19
48 Soldato 12680 19
49 Hitman 13880 20
50 Racketeer 15180 20
51 Fixer 16480 20
52 Loan Shark 17880 21
53 Primo Sgarrista 19280 21
54 Bruno 20780 21
55 Heavy 22280 22
56 Senior Hitman 23880 22
57 Primo Soldato 25480 22
58 Grifter 27180 23
59 Picciotto 28880 23
60 Investment Banker 30680 23
61 Gangster 32480 24
62 Chief Soldato 34380 24
63 Lieutenant 36280 24
64 Bookie 38280 25
65 Lead Hitman 40280 25 -
66 Swindler 42480 25
67 Master Fixer 44680 26
68 Breaker 47080 26
69 Finder 49480 26
70 Master Sharper 52080 27
71 Junior Consigliere 54680 27
72 Master Gangster 57480 27
73 Burly Bruno 60280 28
74 Senior Lieutenant 63280 28
75 Master Grifter 66280 28
76 Primo Picciotto 69580 29
77 Big Time Heavy 72880 29
78 Lead Bookie 76480 29
79 Master Racketeer 80080 30
80 Distributor 83980 30
81 Button Man 87880 30
82 Master Swindler 92080 30
83 Master Finder 96280 31
84 Burly Breaker 100780 31
85 Master Fencer 105280 31
86 Renowned Gangster 110080 31
87 Chief Lieutenant 114880 32
88 Master Loan Shark 119980 32
89 Senior Distributor 125080 32
90 General 130480 32
91 Boss 135880 33
92 Consigliere 141580 33
93 Junior Mastermind 147280 33
94 Capo Bastogne 153280 33
95 Lead Distributor 159280 34
96 Coordinator 165780 34
97 Big Bossman 172280 34
98 Mastermind 179280 34
99 Capo Crimini 186280 35
100 Godfather 193780 35 -
Hmm, looks like the tabs got converted to spaces...
Either way, feel free to use and repost this data as you see fit. -
James87♏🅿🅰 wrote:
Ty nick
Nice! Thanks!
I pm'd nick; I think there is a slight issue on levels 12-14. It says people will only have 7 turfs for all 3 levels. Then it goes back to giving turf every other level until level 19.
It is correct.
thanks nick, very clear about it now.
ChainsawCharlie wrote:
Why would it give a turf every other level until level 19, except for levels 12-14? Plus I had someone tell me he had 30 turfs starting at level 76 (He has not bought any with don points.)It is correct.
Thx Nick...very cool!
Now if you could confirm my loot %'s, that would be awesome. :)
YOU wrote:
He has capped several turf. But on your profile it tells you how many you should have. So his profile says 43/30. Since he has not bought any turf, his normal limit is 30. Plus it wouldn't make sense to have a random break in the pattern.ChainsawCharlie wrote:
Why would it give a turf every other level until level 19, except for levels 12-14? Plus I had someone tell me he had 30 turfs starting at level 76 (He has not bought any with don points.)It is correct.
Maybe it's to compensate for back to back turfs at leve 1,2?
And i remeber something Nick posted that there was a change, giving more turf to lower levels. maybe that was it?
if the 30 turf dude was at the right level at the right time, that could explain why he is ahead of the schedule. Or maybe he used his freebie don points to get a turf and just forgot?
I could swear when I started playing, we only got turf every third level in the beginning levels.
When I started in March I got turf every other level. Even if nick was trying to compensate for it, why wouldn't he just start the every 3rd earlier, instead of breaking the pattern & going back to every other level?
The 30 turf guy swears he has not bought any with don points. I have asked him more than once. I didn't ask when he started but from his profile it looks like the end of July.
So "30 turf guy" is actually "30 turf girl." She just hit level 79 & got a turf making her turf limit 31.
Nick days this list is correct so I can't explain the discrepancy with 30 turf (now 31 turf) girl.
There is a problem Im on level 56 and I can make 25 turfs not 22
Did you use you respect points you get from leveling up to buy turf?
Somebody else just posted that they are at level 44 & their limit is 19. I still think nick's list is off by 1 for most of the levels.
How long have they been playing?
If they were around when the adjustment was made, that could throw things off.
Lol I may just be a noon but it seems to me that the guy who runs the game wouldn't post something wothout knowing what he was talking about. His list has to be right, anyone who says otherwise is likely incorrect. This is just me talking, though.
Not wanting to rock the boat but i seem to have 15 turf on Master Bagman lvl 33 when the list states that i should have 14, and to my knowledge i havn't bought or captured any so far?
JaykOli wrote:
Right, because no one ever makes mistakes.Lol I may just be a noon but it seems to me that the guy who runs the game wouldn't post something wothout knowing what he was talking about. His list has to be right, anyone who says otherwise is likely incorrect. This is just me talking, though.
✌Swizz✌ wrote:
Honestly....yes, a little.Hmm. At level 65 I was at a 26 turf limit. (no don points purchased) I'm not 100% positive but, I think attacking and being attacked my play a roll in it? Or maybe experience #s play a roll in it. I'm sure Nick's formula is right but, there are other factors involved. One thing is for sure, there is a reason for the fluctuation. We just don't know what it is? Does this sound ludicrous?
The list is correct.
The reason for the fluctuation is like two things:
1. People who may have used their free respect points to buy a turf and don't remember and/or
2. This is not the way it was originally. At one point a change was made to increase turf for lower levels.Someone in the right spectrum of levels when this change was made would have their count off when they hit the higher levels.
I started playing after this list was posted. I haven't capped or increased my turf limit. I am level 51 with a turf limit of 21; the list says my turf limit should be 20
Level 20 - 12 turf, purchased 2 and have 14 respect points remaining 😋
Just leveled up and my tirf limit also increased as the chart said it would (level 87)
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