Attacks should not be limited!!
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › Attacks should not be limited!!-
There's already Don protection to keep the higher level players from abusing new comers. This should be enough. Attacking is part of the game. If you don't want people to use you as an ATM, BANK YOUR CASH! With this attack limit, the bank is almost useless.
There's no good reason to attack the same person multiple times unless it's for strategic reasons. This kind of crap helps no one and makes people quit the game - and for what, an extra $100k for the attacker? Give me a break.
Oh and there's no such thing as an attack limit, only a limit on attack rewards.
nick wrote:
There's no good reason to attack the same person multiple times unless it's for strategic reasons. This kind of crap helps no one and makes people quit the game - and for what, an extra $100k for the attacker? Give me a break.
Oh and there's no such thing as an attack limit, only a limit on attack rewards.
it's called the bank you put your money in there and 99% of the people who play this game will leave you alone. Your new rules don't stop people from being an ass and just attacking peoples turf if they just want to ruin the game for someone its only hurts the people that need to attack people for income but don't live in very populated areas. All my stamina goes to waste for about 30 hours out of 36 while a wait for people to attack again.
How about instead if of just a limit on all attacks it only applies to a persons turf this way the incentive to spam attack someones turf is gone but people who use fights as a source of income still have people to attack. I mean if you are constanstly giving out 20k+ an attack you deserve to get attacked. And beside the simply solution of putting your money in the bank that seems so hard for people tk grasp they have the protection of once they are in the energency room they can no longer be attacked.
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