How do you feel about new "4 attack" system?
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I would like to hear EVERYONE's opinion, if you like it (state why) or if you don't like it (state why).
This should help us all see the overall effect of this new change.
for selfish reasons it can suck but overall i think it is fair...
I hate it And my reasons are in the 2 posts below
It's annoying that ive been weak and been attacked over & over but lived with it as I have slowely got to a point I can win the money back again to start 'playing the game', the game is slow anyway but manages to keep it addictive, I can see people getting bored waiting and giving up. Even if you still got exp for fighting, that would keep a steady progress... But new players in quiet areas would really suffer as they may end up never recovering and not able to take cash to heal.
No easy answer really -
It's annoying that ive been weak and been attacked over & over but lived with it as I have slowely got to a point I can win the money back again to start 'playing the game', the game is slow anyway but manages to keep it addictive, I can see people getting bored waiting and giving up. Even if you still got exp for fighting, that would keep a steady progress... But new players in quiet areas would really suffer as they may end up never recovering and not able to take cash to heal.
No easy answer really -
Sucks cause the high levels got that way by farming us. Now that I am a mid level I can't do the same to get ahead. It gives the high levels a huge advantage and makes it hard for us mid to little guys to catch up.
Good update.
It's the 36 hours that I'm not keen on. In turf wars 36 hours is forever! Generally in favour of making the game more fair. 4 attacks per day would be more up my street.
I generally work my mob list from A - Z and back down again attacking no more than 4 times anyway so it's not THAT big a deal to me. However, I agree with ttt that 36 hrs is an eternity. Maybe it should be a 24 hr cycle. Also, color coding or somehow marking players who have already been hit the maximum allowed 4 times would be nice. Maybe only include mobsters who you can hit in the fight list???
Also, how does this effect capturing turf?? Capturing turf requires more than 4 attacks in most cases.
How the f are you suppose to remember who you attacked and when!!!!
I posted my opinion already this change is frustrating and is only useful for players in California. Read my post below...
As this change just happened, I'll need a few days to form a complete opinion but right now it feels like pandering to players who level too fast, hit a certain level of influence and then get mugged and freak out on the forums/comments. How many players do you guys see at level 42 with a mob of 30 ppl and all points in energy? They get pummelled and then the account goes idle. Why is everyone punished for their foolish allocation of points and much too rapid levelling?
I'm also a little bummed about this, since I'm almost strong enough to retaliate against the people who were farming me!
I think 4 attacks in 24 hours would be easier to keep track of and be a little more playable. And I'd love to see a record of my own attacks.
Well I can only use my stamina once every 36 hours now so it kinda ruins the whole attacking part of turfwars.
Dumb change, already wrote my feelings in the general section.
Basically there are better ways to address "spam" attackers. This was just a 100% half asses way to approach it. I mean at the very least, take people you've attacked off your list. Two thumbs down.
also think about it, developers. who am i going to attack now? i just used my 28 stamina to attack a bunch of small mobs that can't defend themselves against me cuz i don't have enough people near my level to attack with this new rule. the very people u claim to protect are gonna get hurt worse by players like me
Wow. This new change effectively kills the game, IMO. At least he changed it before I invested a bunch of money into the game. I can only imagine the people who paid a lot of money are pissed now.
Oh, and Nick... You can't design a game based around PvP mechanics and not expect this kind of issue. The stronger, older, better equipped players will always beat the snot out of the younger ones in an open sandbox system. Look at true MMO games like EVE Online and Darkfall if you don't get it. You need a better fix than this imposed limit, as well. A level-range restriction - say the inability to attack outside if a 20 level window: 10 up, 10 down - makes a heck of a lot more sense.
My .02
Slot of great ideas here, take notes dev(s)
I dislike it only for the fact that there is also a distance range and your limited to the people u can hit. Maybe if the limit was uped to 6-8 hits or 12-24 hour it would be a bit better if your holding a ton of cash that's your fault
This has ruined the game for me, I was getting farmed, what did I do. I didn't whine about it I made it my mission to get stronger than them, as soon as I did it was payback time. This is a protective nanny state rule. 4 attack limit over 6 hours maybe but 36 hours!!!! Far too long.
WINGY209 -
Shit what the hell it's meant to be turf wars not boo who why attack me
This is so stupid, if people are farming you then make a bigger mob! It's punishing people who can play the game properly, because there are a few people moaning about being farmed.
I don't like this new 4 attack system because it is painfully slow to level up. Also waiting 36 hours until you can attack them again is annoying. I think they should get rid of it or at least lower the amount of hours you have to wait.
As a casual mid-level player, I initially held back on critism. After just a little play, this has proved to be a very frustrating change. First, there is no way to keep track of who you've attacked built into the game. This seems like a bare minimum to make this rule work. It is infuriating that this isn't the case. Second, I feel bad for those who invested in the now defunct Stamina. In other games, a respec of character points would certainly be in order after a change like this. Also, what's with it being 36 hours?! As if they intentionally chose an interval that would be difficult to keep track. Those are my issues with this rule's execution. On a design level, I'm not that wild about it either. A simple level disparity check would seem far better. This rule makes me want to ignore combat, which is most of the game. What's the point in buying weapons if attacking is so bad? This strikes me as an emergency patch, only I don't think there was an urgent need of it.
Worst update by far so far. I consider myself a veteran who has paid a fair bit of cash to get where I am. I peacefully coexist with everyone at lower levels than I (just look at my turf and who is nearby). Yet I now get penalized for the idiots who repeat attack 30 times a day. I can see this rule applying to turf attacks (although it waters down the idea of the game), but it shouldn't apply to normal attacks.
The only thing effect this rule will have on my gameplay, other than reducing the time I spend,is drastically increasing the number of turf I will capture from weaker players; this seems to be the opposite effect to the intention of the new rule.
I think if the timer was decreased to 24 hours and the amount of times to attack increased by 2 to 6, that would be much better. Because if we're conserned with losing money we can bank it! This is awful, at least give Exp for every attack
What a load of crap this new system is a waste off time and money now app ain't as good as before I feel like I have been conned I thought this was turf wars
Just a problem I'm seeing in some comments posted, I see a trend of players who say they don't mind the update have hardly any stamina. But for players who invested in stamina, this is a hudge hit and let down.
This idea of limiting farming is good; however, it has been poorly executed. Four attacks is little. It made the game pointless. All pol do now is wait for income and upgrade. The limit should be increased or better yet removed. Just lowering the reward will be enough to discourage farming. Afterall you do need to pay the doctor. The attack range should also be increased. This will allow more interaction between players. I personally don't like this 4 attack thing. It takes the interaction away from the game.
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