1 inf turfs
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If we're not getting rid of them, make someones income from one a negative amount. Even if it's -$500/hr, atleast it would make someone think about every single 1 inf turf they have.
When you start 1 influence may be all you can manage. This is a bad idea.
This is the best idea I've seen about what to do about 1 influence turfs.
Turf Warrior 20 hours ago Quote
The way I'd combat this if I were nick is set the game this way1. Once a turf gets to 84 influence it can be destroyed in a vendetta whether they're 84 or a 1 influence.
2. Damaged or one influence turfs make nothing. If you have a 1/84 influence turf your should make 1/84 of it's fully influenced value. If I had a 49k per hour turf whose influence was down to 8 my turf would make 4.9 k per hour off of it. That would hurt people more for leaving their turf influence down as compared to now which they're probably making 40k per hour on that turf
I agree that something need to be done. The more you progress in tw the less options/ activities you have to do.
davey boy wrote:
great idea (support)Turf Warrior 20 hours ago Quote
The way I'd combat this if I were nick is set the game this way1. Once a turf gets to 84 influence it can be destroyed in a vendetta whether they're 84 or a 1 influence.
2. Damaged or one influence turfs make nothing. If you have a 1/84 influence turf your should make 1/84 of it's fully influenced value. If I had a 49k per hour turf whose influence was down to 8 my turf would make 4.9 k per hour off of it. That would hurt people more for leaving their turf influence down as compared to now which they're probably making 40k per hour on that turf
Ex!T wrote:
I agree too.davey boy wrote:
great idea (support)Turf Warrior 20 hours ago Quote
The way I'd combat this if I were nick is set the game this way1. Once a turf gets to 84 influence it can be destroyed in a vendetta whether they're 84 or a 1 influence.
2. Damaged or one influence turfs make nothing. If you have a 1/84 influence turf your should make 1/84 of it's fully influenced value. If I had a 49k per hour turf whose influence was down to 8 my turf would make 4.9 k per hour off of it. That would hurt people more for leaving their turf influence down as compared to now which they're probably making 40k per hour on that turf
davey boy wrote:
again, I disagree. I think if somebody has put enough time money and effort into this game the shouldn't be wiped out so quickly. Perhaps a longer range penalty would be more appropiate, i.e. Everytime u drop a turf down u can't add codes for a certain amount of time.Turf Warrior 20 hours ago Quote
The way I'd combat this if I were nick is set the game this way1. Once a turf gets to 84 influence it can be destroyed in a vendetta whether they're 84 or a 1 influence.
2. Damaged or one influence turfs make nothing. If you have a 1/84 influence turf your should make 1/84 of it's fully influenced value. If I had a 49k per hour turf whose influence was down to 8 my turf would make 4.9 k per hour off of it. That would hurt people more for leaving their turf influence down as compared to now which they're probably making 40k per hour on that turf
p s i wrote:
best idea ever, and a real mobsta deff wouldn't back off a very small and weak turf, he'd be all up in that bitch. FO SHO.davey boy wrote:
Turf Warrior 20 hours ago Quote
The way I'd combat this if I were nick is set the game this way1. Once a turf gets to 84 influence it can be destroyed in a vendetta whether they're 84 or a 1 influence.
2. Damaged or one influence turfs make nothing. If you have a 1/84 influence turf your should make 1/84 of it's fully influenced value. If I had a 49k per hour turf whose influence was down to 8 my turf would make 4.9 k per hour off of it. That would hurt people more for leaving their turf influence down as compared to now which they're probably making 40k per hour on that turf
Srsly I agree.
Kill the revenue stream. I'd you sell off upgrades to drop a turf to 1 inf., you get NO MONEY for selling the upgrades. Take the turf down completely, you still get half your cash back.
In both instances, you have to pay the full prices still to rebuild and upgrade.
ChainsawCharlie wrote:
another good idea. I'd like to hear what Nick has to say about it. Please comment nick. This is a important game issue.Kill the revenue stream. I'd you sell off upgrades to drop a turf to 1 inf., you get NO MONEY for selling the upgrades. Take the turf down completely, you still get half your cash back.
In both instances, you have to pay the full prices still to rebuild and upgrade.
psi this is directed in response to your response. I can't quote it. Too big.
I guess we agree to disagree. U can rebuild those turfs unless you are in negative turf limit, which in that case you have capped a bunch of turfs and got revenge on yourself. This is turf wars not turf hiding
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