Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › WOT ABOUT A BUMP BUTTON SO U DONT HAVE TO WRITE IT IN-
There could be a bump button at the top of the page for each thread
No. Or else many players would write sht and then bump it so easely. I think if you take the time to write bump, that means the message is worth bumping. I don't see anyone bumping stupid stuff
technically you shouldn't be "bumping" posts unless you've got something interesting to add...
nick 6 min ago Quote
technically you shouldn't be "bumping" posts unless you've got something interesting to add... -
;) -
Isn't it better to bump your invite code posts instead of reposting? I mean look how many pages there are on there. All those duplicates. I think this is a brilliant idea. And, there should be a live countdown timer on it.
Homie334 + mopey525 -
Wot bout just invite forum
People get lazy these days
nick wrote:
but if theres an issue that we think you need to see surely untill you comment yes or no, we have to duty to bumptechnically you shouldn't be "bumping" posts unless you've got something interesting to add...
Not bump button but we should get to sticky threads we want to.
Don Jasperoni wrote:
then everyone would sticky their own invite codeNot bump button but we should get to sticky threads we want to.
Heck no. Bumping shouldn't even be allowed. If a post can't stay alive based on its own merits, it deserves to die.
Maybe just a bump button in the invite forums. With a timer. Maybe even have it change color when its ready. Has anyone noticed how many pages of duplicates are on there?
Homie334 -
YOU wrote:
or ... This just came to me. You still have to dig through the pages but when you find it and touch it, it auto bumps b/c you checked your own post.Maybe just a bump button in the invite forums. With a timer. Maybe even have it change color when its ready. Has anyone noticed how many pages of duplicates are on there?
Homie334 -
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