NPC Turfs/Missions
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I would like to see NPC Turfs pop up randomly. You would be required to drive into the influence area where you can accept a mission. Missions would require you to take a package from that location to another NPC location. Prizes could be random as well, from; cash, loot, experience or turf limit increases. That's what would make this game more fun IMO.
Well if that takes wifi around many places then that iscolates many iPod touch users, it's hard enough for us already don't make it harder!
Power to the iPhone users!
I do like this idea. It kinda reminds me of Far Cry 2 for some reason.
I agree touch users wouldn't be able to use that feature as easily, but it seems this game was more designed to be used with iPhone, anyway.
Well I'm doing okay with a itouch, because I find wifi openzones in a lot of places and so can put turf there, but this would make it impossible for an itouch user to benefit
So basically you want missions that require people to drive to certain locations to accomplish? Impossible to do since the game is worldwide.
And then some dumby goes driving and crashes while messing with their iPhone rather than watching the road and wants to turn around and sue the developers for it.
👎 I am freak160 and I disaprove if this idea
Think about it. If there are a couple NPC turfs, or even 5-10 in every city, you wouldn't have to go far. Sure, it could be set up so that the farther you go, the bigger the prize, so if you just happen to be flying from NY to Sydney, pick up a package in NY and deliver it in Sidney, think of the prize on that one! But for the most part it would be very localized for most people. There are laws against using phones while driving that will protect the developers. It would be no different than one of the many GPS Scavenger Hunt games already available on the app store.
I like it atleast it something else and maybe something
to do while u kill time waiting for energy besids blogging lol maybe a Vegas strip or some sorta side mission like just zooming in and looking for packages instead of just driving there that way u can look in places like Africa -
I like it atleast it something else and maybe something
to do while u kill time waiting for energy besids blogging lol maybe a Vegas strip or some sorta side mission like just zooming in and looking for packages instead of just driving there that way u can look in places like Africa -
Yes maybe looking for places might be better, but maybe find 50 or something for a prize, the cities would have to be small cities that not many people know about.
there is a scavenger hunt game like that on iphone, it randomly thrown objects in the area near you via googlemaps, and you have a set timer to go there and get them, although the GPS is not always accurate
I like the NPC turf idea. Then us people who don't have anyone near by to fight can fight them instead
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