Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › QUESTION ABOUT DON PTS I FEEL RIPPED OFF-
I bought 500 don pts to increase my turf limit n as I upped the limit it was costin me more n more I was payin 23 or 24 pts in the end now my pts are gone it's 12 pts for a turf again some tell me y I think it's a fu@kin liberty like it weren't bad enough I bought them pts so I didn't have to knock down 30 turfs just to move about a little ithought I would b able to get about an xtra 10 turfs n ended up having to knock down 3 to b at my turf limit guess that's the last time I buy pts
If u wait 24 hours the prices reset. Next time just increase ur limt slower. It's what I did. My limit is over 150
I still feel ripped off there's no warning of this it's a liberty
+1 🙎 was not a happy bunnyI still feel ripped off there's no warning of this it's a liberty
You should have spent some of those points on punctuation. I had to read that three times and it still barely makes sense.
That's wot happens after a few lines it made sense as I wrote it but now I've read it I needed to go over it twice lol
Right i bought don pts n used them to increase my turf limit. As I increased my turf limit more n more it cost more n more in the end I was paying 24 don pts to increase my turf limit. The next day after I used all my don pts I could increase my turf limit for 12 pts again. I feel ripped off because there was no pop up or count down timer or warnig to alert me to wot was happenig
That pissed me off the first time I seen it. There should be a warning or something to let you know. Send feedback on it is all I can suggest. All the points do that-stamina, health, energy, etc. But they go back down after 24 hours. I used points but just increase by two turfs a day.
Completely agree. While I see no harm in raising the cost of these don items incrementally as long as the price eventually comes back down, I feel the lack of explanation anywhere on the Don page is an extreme violation of a customer's trust.
When an app is free to download and a player decides to drop 10.00 on respect points, it's a big deal. That customer paid more for those points than most apps in the app store. The least they could expect is some explanation of what they are buying...
Sure we all learn the hard way, but that just isn't the right way.
Also on the topic of respect points: I'm not particularly fond of the pricing breakdown that is offered. If you calculate the # of points per dollar for each of the packages, you'll notice that sometimes increasing the number of points you buy decreases the # of points per dollar you get.
This isn't a HUGE deal, as the difference usually comes down to pennies, but over the course of say 1000 transactions that could add up to 30-40 dollars to the dev's pocket on top of the money earned from the transactions themselves.
If, however, there was some logical reasoning behind this marketing strategy that was out of the dev's hands (ie Apple royalty fees or the like), then I completely understand. As I understand it this is not the case, though.
Thanks for the feedback. As you know, the color of the points turn orange when the cost of using the points is elevated - though if there's a better way to warn we'll implement it.
U should have s popup sayin turf limit cost increased for 24 hrs. I thought it went orange to let u know it had gone there was no indication that it would go back down
I agree with with offering an explanation of elevating cost per useo and the 24 hour cool down.
To the pricing comment above:
The larger point packs are the better deals. More points per dollar. Buying in bulk saves money. That is standard practice.
But you'll notice that some of them are actually less points per dollar than one package lower. I completely agree with and understand the better deal method for the higher points packages, but technically some of those packages are bot better deals.
For instance, the 15 point pack gets you 15.15 points per dollar, while the 30 point pack gets you 15.08 points per dollar. According to your argument it should be the other way around.
Further, the 500 point pack gets you 25.03 points per pack, but the 750 point pack gets you 25.01 points per pack. Again, shouldn't this be te other way around according to your argument? This problem also occurs between the 750 and 1000 point packs.
Again, I'm not trying to claim that this is a ripoff by any means. The problem comes down to pennies. But technically speaking it would be cheaper to buy two 15 point packs instead of one 30 point pack.
This just isn't what my expectation would be.
As for the points changing color, that is a great way to highlight the fact that the cost has increased, but it doesn't give any indication that the cost will eventualy decrease. Any kind of popup or simple explanation below the don items would be perfect!
Popup to warn. Why not you get them for everything else. Then add a countdown timer so people know it isn't a permanent price. If you are new you have no idea it resets to 12 in 24 hours...
Re point pack, I could of sworn it was cheaper a month ago. The top pack was £23 but now it's gone up....
A trick I noticed atleast regarding building turf limit up is once it gets too high. Simply buy another pack (maybe smaller) and the red goes away and cost resets to normal 12pts.
Not sure how you do your math Tom, but the deals get better as the price and quantity goes up
1400 = .0392 per point
1000 = .0399
750 = .0399
600 = .0309
225 = .0444
110 = .0544
15 = .0696 -
The above is expressed in pennies. .0392 = $.0392 or 3.92 cents.
nick wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. As you know, the color of the points turn orange when the cost of using the points is elevated - though if there's a better way to warn we'll implement it.
I think if you just add an explanation to the Get Help page, it will be good to go. If a player fails to RTFM, then that's their own damn fault and leaves no room to bitch.
ChainsawCharlie wrote:
Not sure how you do your math Tom, but the deals get better as the price and quantity goes up
First of all I notice one glaring difference in our calculations: the points packages that you show are not the same as the points packages that are available in my don store. Perhaps this is a source of the issue between our differences.
Now, the values that you post are actually inverse of those that I speak of. What we really want to know is how many points per dollar do we get when we purchase points? This can be done using the following equation:
(PPD) = (Points)/(Cost)
where: PPD is the points per dollar, Points is the number of points you get for a certain package, and cost is the cost (in dollars) for that package.
For the sake of transparency, I have tabulated the values below:
Points - Cost - PPD
1400 - 54.99 - 25.45917
1000 - 39.99 - 25.00625*
0750 - 29.99 - 25.00834*
0500 - 19.98 - 25.02503
0225 - 09.99 - 22.52252
0110 - 05.99 - 18.36394*
0075 - 03.99 - 18.79699
0050 - 02.99 - 16.72241
0030 - 01.99 - 15.07538*
0015 - 00.99 - 15.15152The points with a * above are packages where you actually get LESS points per dollar than the package directly below it.
Further, the data you posted is not accurate to enough digits to see this deviation. For transparency, I calculated the dollars per point that you calculated in your previous post and tabulated them below (with more decimal places):
Points - Cost - $ per Point
1400 - 54.99 - 0.03927857
1000 - 39.99 - 0.03999000*
0750 - 29.99 - 0.03998667*
0500 - 19.98 - 0.03996000
0225 - 09.99 - 0.04440000
0110 - 05.99 - 0.05445455*
0075 - 03.99 - 0.05320000
0050 - 02.99 - 0.05980000
0030 - 01.99 - 0.06633333*
0015 - 00.99 - 0.06600000The points with a * above are packages where the cost per point is actually HIGHER than the package directly below it.
Now, you'll notice that this deviation is in $0.00001, which is an extremely miniscule amount. This is why I originally stated that in no way do I think this is a rip-off, or even that it needed changing in the first place.
I merely stated that the customer isn't ALWAYS getting more for their buck by upgrading. This basically is centered around the fact that the packages are often priced with $0.99 extensions to appear more attractive. By not carrying that $0.99 over when you double a value is when you get these variances.
I hope this has been enough to show where I was coming from.
How are the packages different? Location? I'm US.
The 500 point package was missing from my list because I purchased it. The smaller ones I just didn't bother with.
And I had the same decimal positions you did, I just eft them off because they really don't come into play unless you plan on purchasing the app in the tens of thousands.
As far as the different packages are concerned, I don't know how/why they are different.
As far as the decimal places are concerned, I agree that they are quite insignificant unless thousands of people make a purchase.
Since I know not how many players are active and further how many make respect point purchases, I didn't want to assume anything.
Regardless, the major point of concern that needs to be addressed is an explanation of the price increase/cool-down procedure, and I think this has been hammered on enough.
I'm sure the devs will address this as they best see fit.
tom59593 wrote:
u forgot about the 1.6k point packPoints - Cost - PPD
1400 - 54.99 - 25.45917
1000 - 39.99 - 25.00625*
0750 - 29.99 - 25.00834*
0500 - 19.98 - 25.02503
0225 - 09.99 - 22.52252
0110 - 05.99 - 18.36394*
0075 - 03.99 - 18.79699
0050 - 02.99 - 16.72241
0030 - 01.99 - 15.07538*
0015 - 00.99 - 15.15152The points with a * above are packages where you actually get LESS points per dollar than the package directly below it.
Again that package is not available in my don shop. Not sure why ours are different, though.
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