Accidentally selling stuff
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › Accidentally selling stuff-
Perhaps a confirmation before selling?
How about just move the confirming farther over to the left
I think the conformation is the best way
I agree a conformation would be nice idk how many times I hit sell without meaning it
I'm down with some sort of conformation. For selling anyways.
When scrolling with my fat thumb. I sell things all the time that I didn't want to sell
styckman wrote:
Ahh speaking of fat fingers, we need landscape mode for the forums.When scrolling with my fat thumb. I sell things all the time that I didn't want to sell
Yes, i'm always buying and selling things by accident.
Conformation would be good
Caup3512 -
confirmation would be great! I vote for it
Had this a lot, my advice would be, when navigating buy/sell pages, try browse the page with your finger on the left side of the screen.
Obvious but nonetheless, hope it helps.
This has just become infinitely more important since we have been deprived of the single largest source of income in the game. We need a confirmation screen.
Yesssss agreed
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