Super turfs by NICK ( the DON )
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › Super turfs by NICK ( the DON )-
If you can create the option to buy super turfs with don points or a ton of cash...the turf could be like 4 X 84 influence. And a max limit of 5-10 percent of your total turfs that you can have. Income could be a lot better than average. Don't worry ...I see that I am not the first to propose such an idea!
This I think would be good for one or two an account. Like a base of opperations with high defense and income. Would be pointless to have on a large scale.
And Preferebly they wouldn't be able to be stolen... Beaten down to 1 influence but not stolen...
Could be cool... 1 per 100 turfs. Maybe just 1 total. Anything under it's inf pays protection, even 84inf turf, unless it's capo's. It should def be able to be destroyed, but not captured. But it should also have MaD defense. And, something else cool.
Yea like mentioned earlier, an HQ that can't be taken over.
More ideas anyone
I like it. The game needs something more.
Bumpety bump!! He he. I agree with everyone there should b something more 😋
Add more missions, please!!!
I mean bump
Go on people...this Will move foward only if we work least bump of you agree!
I like it
BitchSmack wrote:
I've said that before and got completey blanked lol 😄😲Add more missions, please!!!
A home base that's tougher to beat sounds cool. Maybe can only be reset after a 24hr delay. This would help with those far out turfs that are hard to replace because you have to physically get out there.
Bump for glory
How about area super base that can be controlled by an area faction(multiple turf holders in close proximity)?
Ok , so is this moving or what?
I used to play paintball until fat nerds with $3000 guns showed up and ruined it. Trust me money only furthers the rich.
if you are a capo in a city with 100+ turfs you can build a capo's home turf which has a larger range and lets you add "familia" or sort of a local clan set-up
The more ideas, the better ; please go on....
I always liked the idea of having turfs that gained some advatange due to the color or content of the map. Like having turfs covering some water being able to build all along the edge of the water for an extended range.
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