Stats masking
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Apparently unimportant (Nick???) attack and defence stats are masked on our profiles are masked, however numbers of weapons and mob members are in full view. Opinions?
I personally would like the stats and invetory to be completely invisible...
Right now you can calculate with a 99% certainty whether or not you will win a fight. Personally, this takes out the risk in a fight that should be present.
In real life, if a gang wanted to fight another, they won't always know exactly how many members they will be up against, let alone the specific equipment each of those members will be packing.
In no way is the current battle system realistic...real fights are risky and the end result is hardly ever known...
Realistic ??? Lol
You also can't die. And can be in 2000 mobs all over the world.
Although I. Don't see the point in masking 1 attribute as you can work out how many points are left over for def and ATk and no one uses them anyway as they are meaningless waste of points
They not a waste. They a very very small mulitplier of the attack/defence you already have
I agree. There should be a larger penalty for 'death'...the problem is that ruins the game for new players who can't stand up to established players. To counter that, the don would need to step in much more often which might not be that bad anyways.
Personally I'd like to see EVERY stat hidden, with the exception of level, mob, and influence. No inventory should be visible, no number of turfs...nothing except the players' name, any capo titles they have, their level, and the clickable links for each of the turf they own...
Personally I'd also like to see a game where players get something like 1000 hp and if that hp ever reaches zero they die and are forever lost. The player would have to start a new character and learn from their mistakes. Then, the game would reset every 3 months or so for a new session where everyone starts new. The top ranked players from previous sessions could earn titles similar to capo titles (perhaps with small benefits) to show their achievement.
This gets rid of inactive players, and creates risk for players who linger close to death too often...
Just my two cents...
My point exactly 😋
I vote full masking
I vote yal are crazy
And Tom your idea's suck monkey balls
Thanks for the feedback, perhaps I'll take YOUR thoughts into consideration next time I talk about MY thoughts.
Mask everything except turf, level and influence
CrAzY wrote:
agree 👍👍👍Mask everything except turf, level and influence
- appears we all agree...
Good idea Tom. It would keep the game more alive and more people would join if they knew it started again. Having to input codes all the time would be a pain though.
Maybe if you kept your mob after each restart?
No, mob should not be saved each time because then older players still have a massive advantage over incoming players for the rest of time.
What would need to change if my idea were to be implemented is the mob invite system itself. I think that an invite button should be in the fight screen next to the attack buttons. This would be a one-click invite.
Also, you would only be able to invite those players that you can attack or that can attack you. If you need more mob then you'd need to travel to another area. This wouldn't affect much because te players that are within your range should be roughly the same as that other player's range.
This would mean that places like new York would have higher mob potential, but that wouldn't matter to a person in Monticello, IL since they can't attack each other anyways...
Since attacking players would then have roughly equivalent mob sizes, another armor should be added that decreases the differential between attack and defense, which currently means you need about 1.3 times as big a mob as the player you are attacking.
I also think that weapons and armor should have attribute ranges, so instead of a weapon with 22 atk it would have 20-24 atk. This would be random per attack so that battles would be even less predictable when combined with masked stats...
Perhaps my ideas are too revolutionary...harder to implement than to make an etirely new game...
Those ideas would be good in a free game. Nick is likely making a good chunk of change on the current game, so why would he change it? Think about it: why would you spend money on a game you know is going to reset in 3 months, or two, or even in a week. If you want to make a game like that yourself, and get no reward for all the time you spent, go right ahead!
I agree completely. Micro transactions are the business model of the video game future, and the app store is no different.
The trick is finding ways to encourage these transactions even when a game is "free."
For instance, what if a certain weapon cost $0.02 per purchase, but no in game money? And then, what if the players earn lifetime points for their account to determine their ranking overall. There would be a set of rankings for the current session, and one for all sessions combined.
Then, when players win an entire year or something, give out prizes to the top ranked, like exclusive t shirts, Itunes gift coupons, etc. to make those monetary transactions pay off for the player.
See? These ideas literally came to me while I typed this message. I haven't thought through them or anything, but I assure you that one can be extremely successful creating a "free" game...justvtakes creativity and ingenuity...
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