How to bring balance to the game.
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Expiring mob members
Say a mob member "dies" after a set period. 45 days?
New players are at a disadvantage to long term players who have mob members who have long since gone inactive. They are still effective in the mob they are in already, but no new players have access to this. And it will only get worse. New players coming in in the upcoming months are going to be facing mobs of 3k-4k. What will it be like a year from now? 8-10k Mobs?
Sure, they can "mob up" but the older players are mobbing up still as well.
If a mob member expired 45 days after inviting, it could really level the field. And here is how it could work:
When a mob member expires, maybe you get a notification. Or maybe they just show up under the "Invite Mob Members" tab.
On the mob page, you could have a button that says "Show Expired".
Your mob list would then clear/filter to show only mob members who were expired.
Now, you've already entered the code, and no one wants to go through that process again, so there would simply be a "Re-invite" button. No code to enter. just press the button for that mob member.
It would then be up to the player to accept the invite. This process should function just like when you punch codes to send invites.
As players go inactive, they would not be accepting invites, and thereby helping to bring balance to the game on the mob front.
This would likely increase participation in the game, and would insure that mobs are always fresh, or active players, and everyone would have an equal shot/access.
Inactive player turfs
Some players want them to go, some want them to stay.
This is where "Turf Decay" comes into play. And, in my opinion, should be game wide.
Suppose a turf lost 1 influence point every 30 days.
But it is not permanent, and is replaceable. You would just need to go and buy "heal" your turf every 30 days at a modes fee. Maybe the price of a graffiti or collector?
2 84 inf turfs of opposing players overlap. No one collects protection, and they don't attack each other to avoid all out war. Well, if you are not paying attention, you end up paying protection. And no risk of war. Just upgrade back to 84 inf.
Now, for inactive player turfs, the decay would continue. 84 to 83 to 82...since there is no player to heal that turf. This would benefit players wanting to collect for a little while. Especially if a player abandons loads of 84 inf. turfs.
Eventually the turf would go to zero and just disappear, so at some point you have to make a decision to capture. Maybe even fight other players for these turfs.
Or maybe the inactive turf could decay down to an influence of and stay in the game to keep property values up.
Thoughts? Opinions? Praise? Flames?
Fire away.
Great idea to have decaying turfs for inactive players.
ALL players. Not just inactives. Just another way to keep it interesting/keep you logging/checking in.
I like the reducing turfs reducing influence idea. I mean 30 days is a long time. Perhaps the reduction should increase over time...maybe it decreases an additional 2 (3 total) after 60 days...then 4 (7 total) after 90 days...then 8 (15 total)...and so on. At that rate, it would take 7 months to reduce a turf to zero. Otherwise it would take 84 months...or 7 years...LOL.
Progressive decay...eggggggcelent idea....
Or 1 pt loss after 30 days, 2nd point loss after another three weeks, 3rd point loss after another 2 weeks, 4th point loss after another week, the 1 point loss per day.
Healing, of course, would reset the counter back to 30 days. And the more decay, the more it costs to heal.
Or maybe just do 1 point a week for 3 weekss then 1 point a day?
* point meaning influence
I like the turf idea, but I don't think the codes should be wiped. I am pretty new and pretty sure I haven't entered nearly as many codes as some people, but it sucks. I think they have earned those extra codes for having entered codes for the extended amount of time. No offense, just my opinion.
The only way I would be for this I if after a set time of being inactive your account was deleted. Like a few months or something
ChainsawCharlie wrote:
lol In 1year 10k mob so funny damn funnyExpiring mob members
Say a mob member "dies" after a set period. 45 days?
New players are at a disadvantage to long term players who have mob members who have long since gone inactive. They are still effective in the mob they are in already, but no new players have access to this. And it will only get worse. New players coming in in the upcoming months are going to be facing mobs of 3k-4k. What will it be like a year from now? 8-10k Mobs?
Sure, they can "mob up" but the older players are mobbing up still as well.
If a mob member expired 45 days after inviting, it could really level the field. And here is how it could work:
When a mob member expires, maybe you get a notification. Or maybe they just show up under the "Invite Mob Members" tab.
On the mob page, you could have a button that says "Show Expired".
ChainsawCharlie wrote:
not many people is free to play every day what about people go hoilydays? I'm sure a lot of people not free to play every dayALL players. Not just inactives. Just another way to keep it interesting/keep you logging/checking in.
I am absolutely opposed to the loss of members regardless of activity. I am a new player, and it is a royal pain to enter mob members. Anything to reduce this pain would appeal to me. The reducing turf, however, is an excellent suggestion.
Don't like this idea. I go traveling sometimes and though it has not happened since I got turf wars I would hate to go away for a couple of months and find I lost all my mob that would seriously suck! Bad idea very bad
I hate this idea with a passion. It's stupid and makes no sense at all. What about the people with
hundreds of turfs? They are going to have to go to each individual turf to heal it. And I have spent countless hours
punching in invite codes and I wouldn't want my time to go to waste. Personally the inactive players don't bother me. You can just simply feed off of
what they left behind. -
Don't like. I think otherways of decay for inactivity of large mobsters may be better like decrease in skill points over time of inactivity -1 pt per week or whatever. Active players of whatever size deserve the royalty status of 1000+ mobs
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