Seriously we need a revamp on turf deconstructions
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › Seriously we need a revamp on turf deconstructions-
When you go to sell a turf it should give you a warning before you sell union bosses, distribution centers etc…
I don’t think “are you sure” is enough because I could have clicked sell on accident and then o don’t need to rebuild in an area that could cost a bit or highly contested. But if I’m gonna sell a union boss or something shit…. Tell me, warn me, don’t let me, or something…..
Or you could just pay more attention to what you are doing.
The buttons even have different text on them…
Lord R. Rahl wrote:
Or you could just pay more attention to what you are doing.
I have like 20,000 of each turf loot. Who cares if I sell one or 100 really? 🤣🤣🤣
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