My wishlist for turf wars updates
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › My wishlist for turf wars updates-
Here are the things I would like to see in turf wars. I know some of them have been covered before:
1. Ability to rename your character and rename captured turfs.
2. Friends list - a way to put your friends or close associates from your mob. Perhaps a Family and Associates list where everyone in the mob goes to the associates list then you can move people to inner-sanctum Family list
3. Gifting/donations option so you can gift items, money or turf to other people.
4. Not sure how this would work but what about some other type of fee that goes to capos? Perhaps $1 per hour for every turf in the city that isn't owned by the capo. I know it doesn't seem like alot but for places where there is a lot of mobs it could be a nice incentive for being the capo.
5. Ability to add people based on character name or code with the ability to also invite someone from their profile.I think thats it for now. Loving the game. Comments or suggestions to better the game?
Max mob limits, more weapon/armor diversity and more jobs
Yeh more weapons and armor would be cool too along with more jobs.
What would you set the mob limit at? Would definitely need a lot more variety with weapons/armor if there were limits.
Plz add GLASS027
Just thought of something else. Would be nice to be able to manage inventory and upgrade stuff through the website as well as the app. Also view and comment on other mobsters profiles. Of course leave placing turf and fighting/attacking to the app.
I'd like it so you can't attack anyone in your mob. I mean, you're working together, growing your "family". So why would you attack them?
At least that's the way I play it.
Thats why it would be good for a Family and Associates list under your can do whatever to associates but anyone in your family list can't attack you and you can't attack them. They could make it so you have to accept being listed in someones Family.
Joseph Garand wrote:
then who would you attack that's so stupidI'd like it so you can't attack anyone in your mob. I mean, you're working together, growing your "family". So why would you attack them?
At least that's the way I play it.
Attack ones that aren't in your mob or the inner family group like I was taking about. It's a way to form aliances. Anyone you bring in "the family" is safe from u and u from them.
Oh also there should be an influence penalty for people that don't login after a set amount of time. Maybe 1 influence point per turf for each week u don't login of something.
On the not attacking yr mob near enough every1 is in each others mob
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