Level the playing ground.
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People are restricted to attacking only people that are of a similar level as themselves. Can this also be applied to mob size??? Wouldn't it even out the playing ground??? What do you think?
No cos of you only attacked ppl the same level and mob size no1 would win
Either don't dump all your points into energy or stop being lazy and mob up like everyone else.
Tom Hagen wrote:
Not every problem can be solved by mobbing up. Stop saying it in every single thread!!!!!Either don't dump all your points into energy or stop being lazy and mob up like everyone else.
I'm sorry you're too lazy to succeed at this game. There's this website that has about 1400 codes on it. Anyone without 1k mob members is basically saying:
I don't want to do what everyone else did. Please make it easier for me to not suck and punish those that put in the effort that ANYONE else can.
Please spare me your tears, if you don't like the rules don't play.
Tom Hagen wrote:
Well said TomI'm sorry you're too lazy to succeed at this game. There's this website that has about 1400 codes on it. Anyone without 1k mob members is basically saying:
I don't want to do what everyone else did. Please make it easier for me to not suck and punish those that put in the effort that ANYONE else can.
Please spare me your tears, if you don't like the rules don't play.
Tom Hagen wrote:
👏👏👏👏I'm sorry you're too lazy to succeed at this game. There's this website that has about 1400 codes on it. Anyone without 1k mob members is basically saying:
I don't want to do what everyone else did. Please make it easier for me to not suck and punish those that put in the effort that ANYONE else can.
Please spare me your tears, if you don't like the rules don't play.
The funniest thing about this thread is that the very first sentence is 100% incorrect.
Umm yea buddy... This is code wars... Add TRAILERTRASH
I started playing this game on Jan 2. Today is Feb 4. That is just under 5 weeks.
I have 1,540 Mob count. That probably puts me in the top 10% of players. I am not a forum spam troll like Thuglife. Nor do Ilitter my code amongst the players comment boards. I am merely diligent about adding codes.
Tom Hagen is exactly right, it is in your hands. If you want people to stop "farming" your ass, then get busy and punch in the codes.
I agree that people need to up there mob to compete. But calling everyone who hasn't got more than 1000 mob lazy is a bit easy, I don't have a massive mob but I ain't lazy I have other commitments . I work all day then come in from work play with my baby before she goes to bed and then spend time with the wife , I don't think she will be too happy if I say to her I know I haven't seen u all day but I am just gonna play TW for a hour or 2 cause I need to mob up
So are you suprised the more time ppl devout to something are better off these those who don't? That's life and games.
Every game favors hard core players vs. Causual, once you get thru the bulk of codes it's just maintinance. Given the current rule set, that's how you become successful, it is what it is.
I'm for slightly changing the rules to impose a max mob limit.
But again your complaint is the exact same as the OP's at the core.
My argument is that not everyone priortises turfwars so don't call us people with much more important comitments lazy cause if anything ur lazy forvhaving that as ur only argument and also not all games favour hardcore gamers , I play several games online on ps3 that require skill unlike this one
If you're not a hardcore gamer then why should anyone care what you thnk about games?
Most games are already ruined so you fucking newbs can play them. What more can you want?
Did u read at all. You are totally missing the point . Go on read it back and reliase what a fool you are
You're the fool. You claim that Tom's lazy for using the same argument repeatedly, not realizing in your utter stupidity that it's the only argument that's correct so ofcourse he repeats it.
Then you make the obvious but irrelevent point that not all games favor hardcore gamers, implying that you aren't one either in general or specificly with this game.
Further you're rejecting the advice of a much more accomplish player then yourself. That's pretty much the definition of a fool.
Meant to say you're encouraging others to reject his advice. Whether you have the time to spend 5 minutes a day adding code or not doesn't negate what he's saying.
Just another analogy. We both goto the sane gym, do the sane routine. You go 2 days a week I go 5. Who's going to be in better shape? GET IT?
Everyone has the same 24yrs a day to do what they want, your asking that your time be worth more then someone elses, which is baseless.
Well said Tom and Nixon.
It's choices that are made. Everyone's got some kind of excuse (valid or not ~that's for an individual to decide) but do mob up cos the senior lvl players and alot others are numb to the thumb.
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