World wide attacking 🔫💣💵🎯
Forums › Suggestions & Feedback › World wide attacking 🔫💣💵🎯-
Its just a thought but what about a travel system where players can pay to travel using differemt modes with different sucess and jorney duration rates to other areas to battle with other players. The access to that city could be limited in time duraition and effected by many other attributes. Also jail state and federal could be included into the equsion 💱
Obviously turfs could not be planted without gps location bit you could attack and be attacked by all in that radius. There could also be a marker on the fightlist showing your origin time remaining etc.
Right on. Like what if a mission sent u to a random city for 1 hr or something. It could be like " meet with a Yakuza boss" or KGB or brasilian drug lord, afgan war lord...
Possibilities are extensive and could really open up the game.
No one else feelin this...
Since the game began iv been staring at the same names to attack and recieve attacks from. Is there anyway to mix things up abit... Other than getting a flight to NY or CA from the UK 😹😄 -
Go somewhere build a base there u can attack bases within like 900 miles. Macias don't have acess to attack the world without a presence there and neither should we
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